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Thursday, December 16, 2010

I didn't realize how long it's been since I bogged!!! I've been laying low with the family, getting ready for Chistmas :) I have a few Christmas pics and a great Chirstmas card Chong and I did for Psychobabble TV, check it out:

I'm working on doing a lot more traveling next year and meeting fans, I really want to cater to my wonderful fans in 2011. My New Year's resolution is to meet as many fans as possible!!! I'll keep you posted on where I'll be and what I'll be doing :)

I want to remind everyone to give to your local charity this Christmas, there are so many people out there that could really use the help this year. It's amazing what a one little gift will do for someone who is down and out.

December 17 is the international day to end violence against sex workers. Many cities are having community symposiums, filmings and vigils open other public. We all need to work on educating out communities and protecting sex workers. I'll be at the one in Chicago and I encourage everyone to come out, either in Chicago or check to see if there is one in your area. Chicago's is December 17, 6:30 to 10 pm at Jane Addams Hull House Museum, 800 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL. Parking is across the street from UIC Campus. I'm really looking forward to going to this, I really want to get more involved in my industry and help make changes that need to be made in our communities.

Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wow, I didn't realize how long its been since I've blogged. I spent the summer with my family while the kids were out of school. A lot of our time was spend at Great America in Gurnee, IL since we got the family seasons passes. We also spent time doing other family things. Now the kids are back in school and I'm getting back to work with a smile!

This past week, I did my second skit with Gilbert Gottfried on Psychobabble TV. Gilbert is such a comedy genius, he really makes the skit work. As usual with him, I had to work really hard not to break out in laughter while working with him. He is also a sweetheart in person. Dr. Burnbaum (Jim McHugh) is also great. I couldn't mess up with these two working with me :)

As for the the future, the biggest thing coming up right now is an audition at a great gentleman's club in Chicago on Oct. 9. I bought a pole for my living room to brush up on my skills and I'm also taking private lessons again. This will be a nice step to traveling as a feature, which is want to be doing by this spring.

Ill be in LA again to shoot Oct. 25 - 29, I'm not quite sue who I will be shooting with yet, I'll let all my wonderful fans know when I know :) I'm hoping for another girl/girl scene, the one I did with Girl Friend's Films was super awesome :) I also found one of my DVDs with a new cover, "Mature Brotha Lovers 17", and I'm on it!! Woo Hoo!!!

Now its time to get the kids off to school, get a workout and get working on all my projects. Don't be shy with the suggestions and questions. I'm always accessible at becca@beccablossoms.com


Becca Blossoms

Friday, July 30, 2010

This is a big weekend for me, this is the second year I'm doing Glamourcon in Chicago. I'm super excited, I have a ton more DVDs, a huge variety of pictures and I'm psyched. Come on out if you're in the Chicago area!! You can go to glamourcon.com for all the details :) I'm looking forward to meeting fans and saying thank you.

I had a few DVDs come out recently!! The first one is 'Mother/Daughter Exchange Club' by GirlFriends Films. This was super cool and I was so anxious to get started on the set. I don't get to play with girls often enough. Every girl in this DVD was just super sweet.
The second one is 'Fuck My Mom and Me #13' by Lethan Hardcore. I met the actual Stoney Curtis on set. Stoney told me he was from the midwest, I love it!! He is a laid back guy that is serious about putting out a good product. I will shoot for him anytime.
The third one is 'Mature Brotha Lovers #17'. This was an awesome interracial shoot with Ricco Strong. This was a fun shoot. The funniest thing from this shoot was when my nueva ring ended up around his cock, it looked like a cock ring!!
My next venture is to do Adultcon. Nothing is set in stone right now and I'm not sure which one I'm going to be doing, I will keep everyone posted.
Sunday night, I'm shooting live for Psychobabble again!! Its at the Annoyance Theatre in Chicago. We're having the Midnight Swinger as a special guest. I've neve seen him before so come out and we all experience him for the first time together. I dont' beleive I'm going to be on the show this time, I'll probably be behind the camera which leaves me time to mingle!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Yay For Summer!!

Hey All!!

Summer is finally here and it has done wonders for my mood. I've been on the go since I got back from shooting in LA and its all been good stuff. Great America in Gurnee, IL has seen a lot of my family and I. We all got seasons passes so we're there a lot. Needless to say, I have one hell of a tan :) I have been trying to run but usually end up walking. I'm still having issues from my car accident. It has slowed me down a little, however, it will take more than that to stop me or bring me down :)

Psychobabble has been going very well, I love everyone on that show!! The nun idea didn't work out, I ended up being a country girl that's one of Bill Marengo's ex wives and his niece that works at the Waffle House that has installed stripper poles to increase business. Don't ask me how a nun turned into this but it was fun. I was able to draw from my family in the south to make this one work. I can't wait until this is out, mom would be proud :)

Glamourcom is a little more than a month away and I'm getting excited. This will be my second year at the one in Chicago and I can't wait. I have so many more DVDs available, including the one I produced and released myself, more pictures, possible t-shirts and of course I'll have my Polaroid. Yes, those things are still around!! I'm going to continue to use it until something else comes along that's better. I tried the little camera that's available but that things just didn't do the trick so I returned it to the store.

I have a new scene out on allover30.com. Paris video shot this one and I really think they did a great job. I have so many more that aren't out yet, I will post when they get out. I'm not shooting again until September. I'm spending the summer in the Midwest doing a few things here and there. I'm working on the feature dancing so I can start traveling with that next year, a few signings are in the works, I'm filming for Masturbation Mondays on my site, working on PsychobabbleTV, and figuring out the ropes of making custom and videos for collectors, along with other things.

Lets all have a happy and healthy summer!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hello Everyone!!

I'm currently in Chicago until May 1, I just love this city. Its a great day to walk around, its 70 degrees out today :)

On Tuesday, May 4, there is going to be another PsychobabbleTV taping, I'm really looking forward to it, I laughed my ass of last time. I didn't get to be on camera last time but I did run a camera. We had a decent turn out, I hope we have just and many people, if not more this time. Mike Preston asked me to get a Naughty Nun outfit for the show. He wasn't too clear if it were going to be for this show or a different one, I guess I will have to wait for Mr. Preston to make that ever so important decision. The outfit is super sexy, complete with stockings and a nunish head bad. I don't know exactly what the nuns call those things. If anyone is in the St. Charles, IL area, I would love to see you come out and see the show. We film at Zanies in the Pheasant Run Resort, 4051 E Main St. (Rt. 64) St. Charles, IL. We having 2 special guest comedians, Dobie Maxwell and Tim Walkoe. Admission is free. I don't think you can come up with a good excuse not to come and check Psychobabble out, when else are you going to get to go to Zanies and see comedians for free?

I recently booked a shoot with Girl Friends Films, I have been dieing to shoot with them. I've heard so many good things about them and after talking to Dan from there, I know the shoot is going to go well. I wonder who they are going to hook me up with...I love girls, its so sad that I don't get to play with them as often as I would like. I will be in LA May 25 - 29. I have other shoots in the works but I'm not going to mention them until they are set in stone.

I have been talking to Pure Talent in Florida, they are a feature dance school and talent agency. I'm waiting to hear back from them to find out when exactly I will be going out there for their week long class. They will help me step up my dancing, help with shows, costumes, makeup, business, interacting with people, etc. I'm really looking forward to putting together awesome shows and touring. I'm hoping to be featuring by this coming winter. While I'm waiting for that whole thing to come together, I've been shopping around for stripper poles, I gotta do what i gotta do to stay in shape and keep my skills sharp :)

I've added some new merchandise to my website, I have a ton more to put on there. I'm also working on more masturbation scenes. If you have any suggestions, e mail me at becca@beccablossoms.com. I would love to hear any suggestions you may have :) There are also other things in the works for the website, but their not up and ready yet so we will all have to wait to share them :)

Kisses & Licks,

Becca Blossoms

Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm Home!!!

I'm back from shooting in California and I finally got a moment to relax. The trip went really well, it was probably the best one so far. When I first arrived, I got settled into my room and relaxed, ate some good food, connected with friends out there, etc. The next day, I shot with Jay Rock. I did 4 solo scenes and a boy/girl scene with Eric John who was a really nice guy. In one of the solo scenes, I rode a Sabyan, this was the first time ever on one and I must say, I liked it. I'm considering investing in one myself. It was a really long day but I think good stuff came out of it. Everything will be on www.Anilos.com :)

My third day was started out with a nice long run and yummy food. I then went back to the hotel, did a little networking then headed out the meet Pamela Peaks in person. We have been e mailing and talking on the phone for about a year now. It was very cool to finally meet her in person. I arrived at her house and we chatted about the business for quite a while. Pamela is very generous with information and advice. Its always good to sit down with someone who has been in the business for a while and get their perspective on what your doing. After getting back to my room, Chong called me and told me my new Naughty America scene was out and so far the reviews were good :)

My fourth day consisted of shooting for Paris Video and visiting the legendary Lynn LeMay. I had to drive from Chatsworth to San Diego, about 2.5 hours, to get to the shoot. I made the mistake of stopping to pee in a busy town and it took me 30 minutes to get back on the highway. I guess you need to be careful where you stop to pee when your on a schedule. Tiffany Paris of Paris Photography, and her husband were great people, they were wonderful to work with. Tiffany shot the stills, we did 10 sets of solo stills and 3 sets with Jeremy Steele who I also did 2 scenes with. Needless to say, it was a super long day but I did feel it was very productive. We got everything done in good time. All that footage will be released on www.allover30.com Afterwards, I drive 2.5 hours to spend the night at Lynn LeMay's house like I have so many times before. Lynn and I hung out for a little bit at night, then I got a good nights sleep. In the morning, we hung out in her front yard, watching her bunnies and cats run around. It was very quiet and peaceful and a great way to end my trip :)

During my trip, it came to my attention that I have another DVD out, thats makes 11, including the one I put out on my own. Woo Hoo!! Cougar Country 5, check it out!!

Now I'm all unpacked and settled in at home, getting back to my normal routine. I'm working on some things for my next trip and I will keep everyone posted.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Going to California again :)

I'm getting ready to head to sunny California on Tuesday. I bought a new, huge suitcase, a few new outfits, and made all the travel arrangements. I think I'm getting the hang of all this traveling for shoots. This time, I will be shooting with two companies I've never shot with before, Jay Rock in Granada Hills and Paris Video in San Diego. I've only been to San Diego once for Naughty America's Live with Lauren. I think its so much prettier than LA, I loved the limited time I was there. I'm looking forward to driving back there again :)

While I'm home, I'm just hanging out with the family, gardening, working out, and thinking about painting the bathroom that i bought paint for 4 month ago. I can be a procrastinator at times, hee hee.
I set a goal for myself. I figured if I put it in my blog, I'm more likely to get it done. My goal for this week is to figure out how to put my pics up on Twitter. I'm giving myself to get this done, wish me luck!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Never forget those who have been there for you.

Chong was at home today watching Naughty America Live when he texted me and told me that Laura was on and had announced she was leaving NA. He said she is going to follow her passion in photograhpy. I was very happy for her, theres no bigger blessing than pursueing you passions. I was also sad that she was leaving. Laura was the one person and Naughty America was the one company that gave me a chance, shot my first scene, and opened the door to the industry for me. For those of you who don't know the history, let me fill you in. Chong and I were interviewing the porn stars at a fan appreciation party NA had at Joes in Chicago. When we were done, I told Chong that I was going to talk to NA about getting me into the business. I fugured the worse thing they could say was no. To my surprise, Laura told me yes and flew me out to LA. I'm not too proud to say that she held my hand every step of the way knowing that I was completely new to the business and out of my comfort zone. After doing a shoot and a web show, I went back home and about a month later, NA flew me out again for 2 more scenes. The rest is history. I have since done 11 scenes with Naughty Amaerica, appeared on Live with Lauren, and moved on to shooting with a variety of other companies, and have explored other avenues in the business. All of this is thanks to Laura and NA. I truely beleive that you should never forget those who supported you and helped you to get where you are. Its going to be hard to think of NA without Laura but I know they both have bright futures. I will always be grateful for what Laura has done for me.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Welcome to my new blog!!

Hello and welcome to my new blog :) I will be blogging every week so I can stay in touch with my wonderful fans. I have been home in Milwaukee all week after spending a few days in California shooting for Naughty America. I have 2 new scenes coming out. The first one was with Danny Wylde. Danny is a super sweet guy and hes really smart. I got to slap his sexy little ass. Working with Danny was so fun. The second scene was shot with Mikey Butders, he is so adorable. One thing that I noticed about Mikey that I didn't notice about him the first time we worked together is his down to earth personality. He is fun to work with and is a funny guy in general. Its not often that I get to work with the same guy twice but when I do, there is a level of comfort that just takes care of some of the jidders.

While staying home for the next few weeks, I'm making the final arrangements for some adult industry trade shows, getting new merchandise on my website, shooting Masturbation Monday clips for my site, making the final arrangements for my trip to LA in March, and some other stuff. I would love to hear any suggestions my fans might have in terms of what they would like to see on my website, either merchandise or on Masturbation Monday, or any new ideas.