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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I'm aware of all the anti porn people in our word and I sincerely try to understand where their coming from.  I find most of them to be extreme, ridiculous, mis or uninformed or simply ignorant.  Gale Dines is no exception.  I just started reading her book   "Pornland : How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality"  I just started reading this book and I have to say, it's painful.  This woman has a lot of learning to do, she's full of a lot of opinion with no substance.  One of the things that sticks out to me so far is her complaining about people in the porn  industry conducting them as a business.  Well...duh, it IS an industry ran by people whose livelihoods depends on their earnings from the porn industry.  Who wouldn't conduct themselves as a business?  This is one of the first complaints she writes about in her book. 

Dale Gines actually knocks pron producers for being in porn to make money.  Well, we all need a source of income and there is nothing wrong with someone choosing the adult industry to make their money.  I make my money through the adult industry.  I'm an honest, hard working woman with her priorities straight and I guarantee I'm not the only one in adult like this.  Gale is making money off the ridiculous book she wrote, she has no right to knock the people working in adult.  In a way, she is making money off the adult industry, if the industry didn't exist she would have to find something else to write a book of ridiculousness about. 

Gale claims to have studied the porn industry for 2 years, her writings, so far, fail to reflect that.  She is closed minded, biased and seems like a bully when someone doesn't want to agree with her.  I'm still researching and reading her book.  I will be blogging more about it.  So far, I find Gale Dines unimpressive, immature, a bully and, worst of all taking away from the truth.  When you take away from the truth, nothing good happens.


In this clip, Gale claims that there is little rape in porn because women say yes to everything.  I say BS. I've NEVER done anything against my will in the industry.  No one does what they don't want to do.  I don't feel pressure to do things I don't want to do.  I've never been raped or sexually assaulted in my industry in fact, I've always been treated with respect and dignity. 

Gale wants to sue pornographers for harm.  Really?  How are you going to prove that someones choice to watch porn caused harm that is the responsibility of porn?  That's like suing McDonald's for your child being obese or blaming a rape victim for being assaulted because her skirt was too short.  At what point does Gale feel a person responsible for their own actions and well being?

Porn has been around as long as humans have been sexual beings, it hasn't killed us yet.

I'm still reading this ridiculous mess she wrote.

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