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Thursday, December 16, 2010

I didn't realize how long it's been since I bogged!!! I've been laying low with the family, getting ready for Chistmas :) I have a few Christmas pics and a great Chirstmas card Chong and I did for Psychobabble TV, check it out:

I'm working on doing a lot more traveling next year and meeting fans, I really want to cater to my wonderful fans in 2011. My New Year's resolution is to meet as many fans as possible!!! I'll keep you posted on where I'll be and what I'll be doing :)

I want to remind everyone to give to your local charity this Christmas, there are so many people out there that could really use the help this year. It's amazing what a one little gift will do for someone who is down and out.

December 17 is the international day to end violence against sex workers. Many cities are having community symposiums, filmings and vigils open other public. We all need to work on educating out communities and protecting sex workers. I'll be at the one in Chicago and I encourage everyone to come out, either in Chicago or check to see if there is one in your area. Chicago's is December 17, 6:30 to 10 pm at Jane Addams Hull House Museum, 800 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL. Parking is across the street from UIC Campus. I'm really looking forward to going to this, I really want to get more involved in my industry and help make changes that need to be made in our communities.

Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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