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Friday, December 14, 2012

Elementary School Shooting Today

I have no words to describe how horrible the shooting in Connecticut has to be, it brings tears to my eyes.  This one was at an elementary school...young children...how are they going to feel safe enough in this world to go back to school or a store or even feel safe in their own homes?  How do you console a parent that has rushed to school knowing there was a shooting and finding out that your child was a victim??  These parents send their kids to school and shortly after that you find out that your child is dead.  I can't imagine being a child in that situation, hearing the gunshots and screams, seeing your friends get shot or not knowing if your friends are alive.  I can't imagine being a teacher there, trying to protect your class, keeping calm while the gunshots are going off.  This is so sickening. 


I'm currently watching the President Obama address this right now.  He is obviously shaken up and emotional about this. He has had to pause several times to get through his speech and simply walked off when he was done.  I'm sending prayers his way, there is going to be pressure on him to take action.  He's going to have to work through this and make good decisions while dealing with his own emotions. I don't support a lot of his politics however, I give him credit for addressing the nation and responding to this.  This is a time to put differences aside and support each other through this.  Obama is a father and is still human, there is no way he, along with all the humans on this planet, can't be upset right now. 

My own children are in school as I write this.  Part of me wants to run to their schools as fast as I can and take them out of school, take them home and just love them and keep them home, with me and safe.  Unfortunately, this isn't an options.  We can't allow criminals to control us like that.  We can't give our power away to them, regardless if their dead or alive.

I wanted to go on with this blog however, I need to walk away for now.  I just heard there are 20 children confirmed dead.  I need to take a break, this is too much for me.  I am the lucky one, I can turn off the TV, walk away from the school and get my head together.  The victims, survivors and officials on that scene don't have that choice.  This will forever be a part of who they are.

1 comment:

  1. You post is very well put together. Agree with all that you say. We think the same about the President; but even he impressed me (too over 4 years).
    I have no Children, never married; but this news brought tears to my eyes. I cannot even begin to think how the parents will deal with it.
    Becca, all you can do is Cherish every moment you have with your family.
    Andy from Chicago
