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Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm a Busy Bee :)

This last week has been pretty busy for and I loved every minute of it.  Last Saturday, I did my third skit with Gilbert Gottfried for PsychobabbleTV, this was our best one yet.  I can't wait until it's out, Gilbert is so cool :)  I really need to work on keeping my giggling under control when I'm performing with him but it's so hard, he's just so funny!!!

I've spend the past 5 days in Vegas, I've never been however, I guarantee I'll be back in the future.  This town is just nuts!!!  I think we went into almost every casino.  The food was great, I really need to hit the gym when I'm home :)  We saw the comedian Vinnie Favorito, this guy is super funny, I almost peed my pants.  I was thankful that I was in the back of the audience when he was asking our names and what we did for a living.  We were with an older crowd and I don't know exactly how they would have reacted to me saying my name is Becca Blossoms and I'm a porn star.  Hee hee!!  Our good friends got married while we were out there and the ceremony was beautiful.  I was so honored to be a part of it.  It made me and Chong consider getting married while we were out there...we considered it, we didn't do it.  Walking through the Sahara was a little sad.  Today was the last day it is open, it closed forever at 2:00 today.  The place was so quiet and empty, most of the machines were off, the card tables were covered for the last time and there were chains on the doors.  I wonder what they are going to put up there next.  We attempted to go to the Pawn Stars shop, I was super excited about this.  Unfortunately, the line was really long and we didn't make it in.  One of my favorite places was Vince Neil Ink.  Motley Crue has been my favorite band since the beginning of their career.  Of course I bought a couple shot glasses for my collection and checked out the stuff to see there.  It was awesome, lots of Motley Crue and Vince Neil stuff.  Too bad Vince wasn't there, I would have spent a little time with him in the back room!!!

The Hoover Damn and Grand Canyon were simply breath taking.  The Hoover Damn was just amazing.  The fact that human can build something like this in that location is incredible.  The Grand Canyon was beautiful.  The drive out there was relaxing and amazing.  I got to see the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen in a desert.  I was also humbled by some of the desert towns we drove through.  Talking about counting your blessings, man I was getting to some pretty high numbers.  I'm blessed to have had the opportunity to see such beauty and get a humbling reminder of how fortunate I am.

My favorite part of this trip was my friend Dawn from college.  She drove in from Utah to hang out with me, I haven't seen her in 9 years.  I really love this girl with all my heart.  I sent Chong out with the boys and Dawn and I had a great time at Toby Kieth's Bar and Grill, dancing and making googly eyes at the lead singer of the band.  This girl is certainly a blessing in my life, I'm not waiting another 9 years to see her, that's too damn long!!

Now I'm sitting at the Las Vegas airport waiting to board the plane to Milwaukee.  I'm happy to get back home, I have phone calls and e mails to return for possible work in the future and a little pet project I'm working on.  I want to bring a SWOP (Sex Workers Outreach Project) chapter to Milwaukee.  I'm starting from the ground up and I really hope I can get this going.  There are a lot of sex workers in the Milwaukee area that could really benefit from this.  I'll keep everyone posted on how I'm progressing, I'm looking forward to getting this going.

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