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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Talk about humbling...

I just got in from visiting family in Smithville, MS. Although I have been going down there all my life to visit family, this trip was epically humbling for me. On April 27, my family's town got leveled by a tornado. In all of 10 seconds, everything in this tornado's path was turned to rubble, people died and the town was devastated and had to rely on outside help to get back on their feet. I have seen the pictures and video of the disaster however, they do the place no justice. When I was there a lot of the rubble was removed and the bodies were cleaned up. Seeing what is left with my own eyes, the rubble the school has become, the buildings and rubble awaiting removal, the businesses that are gone, the flags stuck in the ground where dead bodies were found and the people that are still sifting through the rubble, separating the mess, removing it and trying to put their town and their lives back together. A feeling of appreciation for what I have came over me. These people have to be really strong to get through this. I wonder how many need psychological help dealing with this.

I feel a little spoiled right now. It's human nature to want things we don't have however, when you realize that life is pretty good with what you have, little things like having a place to sleep, food to eat, a car and your family are things that keep a smile on your face. I'm a strong believer in donating and volunteering to help others but I'm not consistant with it. I've decided to do more.

I had a new scene come out and I've been told it's my best yet. I felt good after shooting this one, I know I had improved my performance. I'll love to hear what my fans have to say. Check it out, go to www.beccablossoms.com and check it out!!!