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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thank you to all my fans that came out to see me at Exxxotica in Chicago.  I had a great time, met lots of wonder people and did a little networking.  This was my first big show.  I think I'm going to have to do more of them :)  I was signing with Galaxy Publicity, James Baratlet was kind enough to allow me to be at his booth.  To make things even better, I was right next to my friend, the legendary Lynn LeMay.  We had some down time to hang out with Chong and Disco Rick from Psychobabble TV. 

One of my favorite things was meeting the people from SWOP.  I've been trying soooooo hard to get a SWOP chapter going in Milwaukee and haven't had a lot of luck.  Now I feel like I can actually start moving on this. Theres so much good that can come out of this and so many people that can benefit.

OMG, I think I have hit the status of the ultimate soccer mom.  I bought a minivan today.  It's a really nice one.  I went to the car dealer with every intention of buying a sports car.  I don't know how the heck I ended up with a minivan but I think Chong had something to do with it. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hey Everyne!!!
I've been pretty busy lately and with all good stuff.  The kids are out of school so I've been spending a lot of time with them.  We spent one of our many summer days at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, IL.  We all have seasons passes and we will be using them to the full extent this summer :)  I love to go on all the rides, I havn't met one that I won't go on...yet.  My daughter is getting back into gymnastics.  Gymnsatics is her passion, its where her heart is.  She's been out for a few years.  She's working really hard and has alread been invited to join the team to compete agian.  She did great a few years ago in competition.  I know that with her heart and head in this like it is, she's going to be great.

I'm experiencing a 16 year old boy, he's my firs 16 year old.  He's and honor roll student, stays out of trouble, has nice friends and a great girlfriend.  He has a summer job and is saving money for a car.  Now if I can only get some common sense in his head he wll be in great shape.  The reasoning skills of 16 year old boys are nonexient.  He's really good at giving me dumb, blank stairs when I call him.  I think it's a requirement of the teenagers to give parents the'look' before they respond to anything we do and say.  I find it amusing and confusing.  How can such a smart, talent, goal oriented kids be so goofy?  He does make me laugh a lot.

On June 25, I had the pleasure of seeing Motley Crue in concert at the Bradley center in Milwaukee.  They are my all time favorite band and I sooooo wanted to fuck Vince :)  The New York Dolls opened for them.  The band themselves were great.  The singer was obviously a drug addict.  He looked sickly and thing.  He even asked about  Colombian coke and pills in Milwaukee.  No bueno.  Poison was the next band ad they did great, just as I expected  Their tight as a band and very interactive with their fans.  I respect that.  Ok, I wouldn't mind fuckin Brett.  I can always dream, can't I?  When Motley Crue finally got on, they started with a ton of in your face energy.  This was the best Motley Crue show I've ever been to.  Besides the fact that they rocked,  was there with my very good friend, Jen.  She's super cute, super awesome and knows how to have fun.

I'm gearing up for Exxxotica in Chicago.  I'm going to be signing with Galaxy.  My good friend and mentor Lynn LeMay will be there also along with some other great girls.  I'm really looking forward to networking and meeting my fans.  Come on by our booth and say hello.  Lynn and I will both be offering private appointments for the gentlemen that would like some one on one time with us.  E Mail me if your interested at becca@beccablossoms.com for info, Lynn's contact info or any questions.  This is going to be a great few days.  I'll love to see everyone out there.

As for tomorrow, I'm interviewing the incredible Jessee Janes in her hotel room with Psychobabble TV.  I love this girl.  She's always friendly and sweet.  She's easy to interview and lets face it, she's super hot.  I will be doing a little basking in reflective glory, LOL