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Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy Spring!!

Although I love the change of seasons, spring is my favorite one.  I love the smells, fresh air, a clean garage, festivals, bands, running, birds singing, new plants spouting and the good mood it puts me in.  For me, big things come with the new seasons, all good stuff.

The most exciting thing happening this spring is my children's graduation parties.  My son finished high school a semester early and will be staring college in the fall.  My daughter is finishing 8th grade and moving on to high school next school year.  We're having a huge graduation for the both of them, our family and friends are very proud of both of them :)  As their mom, I'm ecstatic!!

Spring also means yard work which I love but I'm not very good at.  I have lots of veggies to plant in my garden.  I'm huge canning and dehydrating so we have organic food all year long.  Freshly picked food is so yummy, it tastes so much better than store bought veggies.  I'm doubling the size of my garden, it's going to be a lot of work that I love doing.

Something new to me this year is getting my motorcycle license.  I have been wanting to do this for a long time, I'm finally getting it done.  I'm hoping to by a Harley this summer.  I have a been around bikes all my life, now it's time I had my own.  There's nothing like riding, I love it.  I've always been on the back of a bike, now it's my turn to be on my own.

This spring is going to be a blast, I hope everyone has a wonderful spring!!