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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Current Events

I don't endorse any candidate and I don't like to get into too many political or religious debates however, I do have my opinions and lately  some of the current events and issues have really got me to thinking.  The first thing that has got my wheels spinning the the whole birth control issue.  First of all, the choice to use birth control or not is a very personal one and not something the government should have a say in.  I honestly think this issue is taking focus on the big issues that are harming almost every American.  With things like the economy, national debt and health care, who really has the time and energy to put into a person's decision to use birth control or not?  This is distracting from the important issues and really is no one's business except for the person choosing to us it.  I personally use birth control as a precaution. I don't want to end up pregnant from adult industry activities.  I will decide if, what kind and how long I will use birth control.  From an adult industry view point, it's necessary for me to use it.  From a woman's view point, it's my choice, my body and my life.  I have the right to protect myself while having sex.  I don't want to have any more children.  With all of our economic problem in this country, why would any politician, or anyone with any intelligence at all, even consider telling anyone they can't use birth control.  A responsible woman will take the approiate actions to protect herself from getting pregnant when she is unwilling or unable to raise a child.  Let's not forget the men here.  Not all men want to have children or more children and are entitled to protection themselves. 

Sex is a biological and natural thing all humans are programed to do.  We have the right to enjoy it in any way, shape or form that does not harm anyone else.  Just like football players wear their helmets and padding, we all have the right to protect ourselves when playing.

As a mother of a preteen and a teenager, I'm very open and honest with my kids when it comes to sex.  Sex can be very pleasurable, emotional and enjoyable.  However, just like sports, there can be negative consequences and one of them could be an unwanted pregnancy.  I not only have the right to use birth control myself, I have the right to allow my children to use it when and if they become sexually active.  My children and I have had conversations about birth control and protecting themselves.  Sex education is vital to every human being on this planet and birth control is a huge part of it.

We all heard the debates of gay marriage.  Recently Kirk Camron has made comments on gay marriage.  Here are a few links:



If Kirk, or anyone for that matter, doesn't want to be in a gay marriage, they don't have to.  To say gays are in any way destructive to so many foundations of our civilization is down right ignorant.  Look at our divorce rate between heterosexual couples, it's not a good track record.  I understand that some people have their own definition of marriage and that's fine, don't cram it down anyon else's throat.  Live your life according to your own beliefs, morals, standards and desires and let others live theirs.  The definition that Christians like to push on people isn't the one and only.  I believe in God and have a strong relation with him as I know him however, I don't believe everything in the Bible so using that as a basis to argue gay marriage is useless to me. 

Gays have been around as long as civilization has been.  It's unfortunate that they were not always accepted or live in a society that supported them.  They deserve equal rights and if they want to get married, so be it.  If they want to raise children, so be it.  There are so many other issues that are destructive to so many foundations of our civilization, if Kirk Camron wants to protect the foundations of our civilization he needs to start with his own ignorant mouth.  If he is going to claim to be a Christian and live by the bible, he needs to love and accept others, do I need to quote the many Bible verses here that teaches him that?

Speaking of celebrities, Lindsay Lohan has been strongly criticized for her appearance on Saturday Night Live.  The media needs to take a chill pill here.  The girl has struggled with addictions in the public eye.  Over coming addictions and getting your life back on track is hard enough for the majority of us, doing it in the public eye with the main stream media blowing up your mistakes and the negative about your life and not giving equal attention to your accomplishments and successes would be down right impossible for most of us.  She's not perfect however, none of us are.  As an entertainer I can honestly say that I have had times when my performance wasn't at it's best.  Just like everyone else, entertainers have their good days and bad days.  At least the girl is moving forward.  She has got to be courageous to continue to do what she does.  She is more talented than most of those who are ciritzing her.  I support and admire her fully, how many of us would still be alive after all she has gone through?

Ok, my rant is over :)  Now it's time to work on my visit to the O'Hare are of my favorite city, Chicago!!!  I'm really looking forward to having fun there.  It's only 90 minutes from my house and I'm out that way weekly but the excitement, cultural richness and beauty of the city never gets old to me.

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