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Monday, August 13, 2012

Hanging out in Hammond

I just got into Hammond today, I've never really spent time here.  Needless to say, I've been neglecting my fans here!!  I drove around town today and realize that it's not bad.  I found a few restaurants I plan on checking out and I already went tanning this cute little place I found.  There are also some stores I simply HAVE to check out.  I'm a HUGE bargain shopper and I think I can find some cute things in these stores. 

Speaking of bargain shopping, I always find it funny when I share my money saving techniques with people who really don't know me or the looks I get from fans when they find me in the grocery store with a hand full of coupons.  I have my middle class Midwestern upbringing to thank for my money saving skills.  My mother was awesome at stretching a dollar, we were all very well taken care of.  (I have 4 brothers).  Like anyone else, I work hard for my money and I want to make the best decisions with it.  The best thing that came out of my (most of the time) good financial decisions, I can put my kids through college :)

Now, don't get the wrong idea, some things I just can't go cheap on.  I HAVE to have Biolage shampoo and conditioner.  I will pay more for a nice hotel when I travel.  I can never, ever buy cheap meat...that's just not acceptable.  I've never cared about the tag on my clothes and you'll never see me with a Gucci bag, I think their ugly and I would never spend that money on any bag no matter what kind of social status it comes with.  There are times I will splurge...like when I bought Motley Crue tickets, 5th row center, before the tickets went on sale.  I'm not going to tell you the ridiculous amount of money I spent on them, or the shirt I bought at the concert, but I will tell you it was worth every penny.

Motley Crue...My all time favorite band!!!  I get to see them again September 8th at Alpine Valley.  My friends and I are renting a limo bus.  I didn't even know those existed!!!!  I normally won't go to any concert unless I have decent seats however, my friends will make the lawn seats well worth it.  Their a hoot and I'm most certainly blessed with them all.  Their all crazy but they keep me grounded and sane.

This past weekend was an eventful one.  My daughter had a pretty big 13th birthday party, I had kids everywhere...in the pool, house, all over the yard.  It was a great time.  A few kids seemed to linger for a few days after the party and boy did that bring back memories.   I was once a 13 year old girl and my daughter is way too much like me.  Needless to say, my mother loves that fact.

1 comment:

  1. When you saw Motley Crue did the New York Dolls open for them? I'd love to see that!
