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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The American Dream

What happen to our society?  My interpretation of the American Dream was to have the opportunity to work hard enough to have a comfortable life with privileges and rights that we have worked fought long and hard for.  We can learn a trade, get a degree or work in the family business.  We can have 2 parent households with one parent working and making enough money to support the family while the other ones does the very important job or raising the kids.  The American Dream is about opportunity, learning, family values, success and failures, strong work ethic, pride in our country and who we are.

Today, I see the American Dream dwindling away and Americans themselves are allowing it to happen.  The younger generations seem to have less and less people that want to work, they feel they are entitled.  I even see people my age milking the unemployment and the welfare system, living with their elderly parents or other family members that will take care of them and seem perfectly happy with it.  Grandparents are raising grand kids more and more.  The last I looked, 40% of Americans are on public assistance.  We simply can't survive as a country like this. 

Our President seems to like this situation.  Cutting tax breaks for the rich (which the majority of us work for), forcing small businesses with 50 or more people to buy health insurance (Obama care makes me ashamed of every person who allowed it to pass and even more sicken by our ignorant President), raising taxes and not taking responbility for it,  trying to fix his mess with more handouts, I can go on for a long while what this waste of sperm has done to hurt the American people and squash the American Dream. 

We need education, job opportunities and to stop sending our industry over seas.  That's what built this country.  If we don't produce goods and if lazy people don't get off their asses and stop living off the government, we are going to continue on this downward spiral.  We can't survive on technology and service jobs alone.

As parents and elders, we need to get the youth off their butts and working, focusing on their future and make sure they have every educational opportunity we can give them.  We need to make people earn their government assistance while actively looking for a job or getting an education.  Stop spending money on handouts with nothing back from them.  No one is entitled to live for free, everyone should contribute either at a job or while getting assistance.  Life isn't meant to be easy.  NO ONE owes ANYONE anything.  If we don't get every one's butt back to work that is able to work, we will never survive.

We need to get serious about what's important and stop worrying about who is sleeping with who or what people do on their own time.  We need to pay attention when our President allows Americans to die then distract it because someone has a mistress...who really cares?  What's more important, our well being and survival as a country or who a military leader is fucking?  The very word Hooker comes from General Hooker who would bring his ladies to entertain troops.  This has been going on all through history and we have been to win wars and do a hell of a lot better than we're doing now.  As long as the job is done, who cares where he puts his pee pee at night??

That's my rant.  Agree or disagree, it's how I feel. 


  1. Well done.Thats a good write.Working hard is not always enough where there is no equality of opportunity.sex work needs to be made safer by legalisation .Criminalisation of prostitution must end.There is also a general downturn in the global economy which needs to reversed.

  2. Becca - where are you getting your numbers from? 40% of Americans on welfare? that includes Social Secu / Medicare...people have paid into that in their working years. .agree with you that younger folks milking the welfare system should be kicked out. But taxes - have you had a chnace to look at the income disparity? you can be a Cop or a firefighter or a teacher all your life, work hard and still not be able to afford to send your kid to college and have a decent retirement. you could be working in a manufactring plant, work 12 hr shifts....and just watch your Job being shit overseas...because it added little more to the bottomline...and the rich guys even got a "Tax break" for shifting my job. The American dream stopped working for these folks not because they werent working hard, because someone changed the rules at the top and it just became impossible for these gusy to win. ...hence the anger. Isnt this Corporate Welfare? Why are you just so bothered about welfare for the common man....you seem oblivious about welfare to the rich. George Bush gave tax breaks to the super rich - did the jobs come? we lost jobs...we had the recession. You have to understand that with world being just a global village now, just cutting taxes does not automatically mean creating jobs....it might create jobs...but in China. or it might just bloat teh swiss bank accounts of these guys. do you protest about that? you seemed pretty relaxed about the inequality.

    About the president - half the conservatives dont like him because he's black, other half dont like him because he's highly educated - which takes him completely on a different level from the typical republican audience. All those opposing Obamacare - ps. take time to read, understand what it says. Republicans have just assumed that their vote bank is low on knowledge, so just say what you want and they will believe it. Thats what is happening. Pls. read about Obamacare, pls. try to understand the law and the reasons behind it....without a pre-concieved notion that since Obama passed it - we have to oppose it.

    Becca - love you for the work you do, respect you for the social causes you involve yourself in. But pls. do not talk about Politics, guns, conservative moment. To be honest - appears that you are drinking way too much of the tea party cool aid. Try some introspection on that - without having such a negative attitude about the president.
