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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Slutwalk was a huge success!!!

It was a wet, rainy day and at first I was worried Slutwak would be rained out.  I was underestimating the dedication of the people of Milwaukee to our cause.  When I was the long line of people marching to Humbolt park, I was excited, surprised and felt tears in my eyes.  We did it!!!  The signs, chants and excitement that came from the crowd was overwhelming for me.

Our table filled up with people that wanted to buy our merchandise, learn more about Slutwalk and talk with us about our cause.  Our speakers were incredible.  Survivors of sexual abuse came out, told their stories and shared how they got their bodies, femininity and power  back.  I was truly inspired by these people.  One girl used belly dancing, another used her daughter's story and another used humor, and others used other ways. 

When I got up there to speak, I felt nervous however, I felt the love and support from everyone there.  A new passion is beginning to grow in me.  I can use my status as an adult entertainer, my time, my efforts and my smarts to continue to make a difference.  My next step is to get our first SWOP meeting scheduled by next week.  I am also planning on working closely with other groups in my community.  We all need to stick together and fight for the changes that need to be made.

Thank you to everyone who attended, it was truly an honor to be there.  You will see me at other events, everywhere I can be, to help make changes for the better.

It feels good to use my success to help others and I plan on using it to the fullest extent.

Thank you everyone for  great event and for allowing me to be a part of it!!!

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