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Sunday, September 11, 2011

SWOP this week!!!

Our first SWOP meeting is this week, on September 15!!!  If there are any sex workers out there that would like to come and check it out, e mail me at becca@beccablossoms.com and I'll give you all the info.  I'm super excited about this finally coming together.  This could really benefit the sex workers and general community in Milwaukee.  I'm really hoping for a great turn out.

I HAVE to recommend a book to ANYONE who will listen to me.  It's called "If you have to cry, go outside", it's a very inspirational and real book.  The author, Kelly Cutrone is a very real, honest straight forward person.  This is hard to find in people and when I do find it in someone, I'm drawn to them.  Speaking of people I'm drawn to, I have been reading about the controversy that surrounds Chaz Bono being on Dancing With the Stars.  Its appalling that there are ignorant people out there threatening  to boycott the show over him being on it.  Really????  What year is this???  As far as I'm concerned, he has bigger balls than anyone who boycotts that show.  Chaz had the balls to become his true, authentic self in the public eyes.  Chaz is an inspiration to me.  I don't know him as a person however, I will start watching Dancing With the Stars just to support him for be as courageous and inspirational as he is to me :)

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