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Sunday, September 18, 2011

We did it!!!

We had our first SWOP meeting and the turn out was better than I had expected.  We had Serpent from SWOP-Chicago come and help guide us and answer our questions and tech about having our own SWOP chapter.  Caludine, who runs the Bad Date List in Milwaukee and who works with youth in the sex industry came to share her knowledge.  We had a few exotic dancers, a burlesque dancer and escorts who all will be key in keeping SWOP going and who were eager to help when they could.  We had another community group to learn about SWOP and become an ally with us. A Broader Vocabulary was there, their a feminist bookstore and wonderful supporters of SWOP.

We have a lot of work to do and a lot to learn.  With everyone being involved and our the support we have, I'm confident we will do great things with SWOP-Wisconsin.

When I came home that night, I felt like I just brought home a new baby. 

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