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Friday, June 29, 2012

An amazing woman, Claudin O'Leary, posted this link on one of my google groups.  It really touched me and goes against a lot of sterotypes out there.  I like to say "Sex worker are people too" however, I think my new saying is going to be "Sex workers are whole people". 


As sex workers, we are up against some pretty tough sterotypes, misconceptions, and downright false statements and abuse.  As a sex worker myself, I hold my head high and live my life the best way I can.  I know I'm a good person as with most sex workers. 

Here's another video I found...all these woman are showing amazing courage :)


I've had a very fufilling experience this week...I was at the Human Trafficking Task Force Meeting with another SWOP-Milwaukee member.  This meeting was very informative.  I've never been a part of something so great and full of suc a diverse group of people working on the same goal.  We discussed the laws, the ones that are in place, ones we would like to see in place and laws that shouldn't be in place.  I've never been a part of something like this before.  Being involved in this is a learning experience and an opportunity to make things better for us all.  Im excited to see the results of all our had work :)

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