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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!!!

Happy Independence Day to everyone!!!  Today is a day that has deep meaning for Americans.  It celebrates our independence form the Kingdom of Great Britain and the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  We celebrate our freedom and the heroes that fought hard and fight today to protect our independence.  For me I make sure that I bring honor and remember one great man that taught me what family values are, what a real man is, and the value of a strong work ethic, making good choices and living right.  He was an Admiral in the United States Navy and fought in 2 wars.  We all have a hero in our lives and my Grandfather is and always will be mine.  I try to honor him every day by putting into action the values he taught me.  I know he is up in heaven looking down on me and is proud of me and the two people I'm raising.

Today is going to be fun :)  I'm going on a duck ride with a friend that actually owns a duck, I don't know where you would buy a duck but he acquired one somehow :)  I'm looking forward to getting a tan and hanging out.  Tonight I'm taking my kids to see fireworks, it's going to be lots of fun.  We will most certainly talk about the meaning of the holiday.  My kids are awesome, I love hanging out with them :)

Happy Independence Day Everyone!!!

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