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Monday, July 30, 2012

It's hard to believe that in this day and age that people still actually find ways to excuse sexual assault.  SWOP-Wisconsin is once again working with Slutwalk, this is the second year for Slutwalk in Milwaukee.  We've learned so much from our first Slutwalk and I know this year is going to be better than last year.  We're working really hard to stop victim-blaming.  It doesn't matter what your wearing, what you do for a living, how intoxicated you are, where your at, what your reputation is or anything else about you, NO ONE deserves to be sexually assaulted for any reason.  I'm super excited to be a part of such a great organization.  There are some amazing people working on this, just like last year.  I will be speaking again this year.  I'm not sure exactly where I'm going to go with it however, it will have a sex worker theme to it, of course.  I'm looking forward to see who else will be speaking.  SWOP-Wisconsin will also have  our own table this year, we will be selling merchandise and answering questions about SWOP.

Here is our PSA from last year.  I think it's pretty awesome and I'm looking forward to our new one. 


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