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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I can't help but feel even more disgusted with are legal system, not that they weren't disgusting before.  Human Trafficking is a huge hot button political issue right now.  Even I sit on the Human Trafficking Task Force in Milwaukee.  It's a serious issue that needs serious attention.  Most of us normal people can figure this much out.  Now we throw law enforcement, politicians and the worry about every one's bottom line in there and the true concern about victims of human trafficking and the bad guys gets squash under the weight of all the BS.  We now have our Federal Government giving money to municipalities to catch people that traffic humans and their victims. The problem is, very little of this money goes to human trafficking, the majority of it goes to catching independent escorts who have absolutely nothing to do with trafficking.  Independent girls are easier to catch and more likely to pay their fines.  Pimps love, love, love the independent girls, we distract the police. 

When the police to happen to stumble upon a real human trafficker and victims, our social services aren't equipped to actually help anyone.  Most helping organizations mean well however, they don't understand the victims and can do little to help them.  More education is needed for this.  Our joke of a government, starting with our ridiculous excuse for a president, doesn't care enough to make sure the money given to find bad guys and victims of human trafficking is actually used for that purpose.   I've been working with sex workers from all walks of life and areas of sex work, I'm an advocate for sexual assault victims and very often those victims are victims of human trafficking.  There isn't enough help for these people and the thought at what local law enforcement agencies are doing with money given to them to catch human traffickers makes me sick to my stomach.


  1. Ridiculous excuse for a President?
    Really? Why? Did he start two uncalled for wars? Which cost billions and billions of dollars? Did he establish great tax breaks for only the rich? Did he allow Wall St. to go unchecked causing a banking crises?

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