It's been a rough week for me emotionally, the Newtown shooting is really pulling at my heart. I've been praying for those people multiple times a day since it happen. I feel so helpless, what else can most of us do besides pray and donate money? I've never experienced something so distant causing me to have such strong emotions. I want to hug and kiss my kids just a little tighter...I get to have them for Christmas. I can't imagine having presents hidden in my house for my children and their not going to be there; walking in their bedrooms or getting up in the morning to get them ready for school only to be reminded that they will never be home again. I keep remembering my children when they were 5 and 6, I get to have happy, loving memories. My children got to grow beyond kindergarten safely. My heart goes out to the parents who lost their little ones. Do we wish them a Merry Christmas knowing that it's not going to be so Merry this year?
The teachers in Newtown are amazing heroes, they protected their kids the best they could and some, along with the principle and others, lost their lives protecting the little ones. I've always felt teachers should be among the highest paid and respected in our communities, they are teaching our children, out future. They do so much more than just teach, they end up being counselors, providers for those who don't have, a shoulder to cry on and now have proven to be heroes and protectors. I have the highest respect for teachers in our communities.
No one is going to walk away from this situation without being effected. I've paid attention to news stories, both mainstream and otherwise, and the changes this shooting is going to have in individuals, communities and the country as a whole are so obvious. The kindergartners and others who experienced this are going to be forever changed. I heard someone read a letter that a child wrote to his dead best friend. A Sunday school teacher had children missing from her class while other children had a hard time being there or simply couldn't go. What about children in other activities with their friends such as scouts, dance, sports, etc. Can you imagine being a little 5 year old and part of your normal routine is to go next door and play with your friend or have your buddy spend the night on the weekends and now that friend is gone never to walk the earth again? Everyone needs to keep a close eye on the mental and psychological health or each other, the adults and children. Losing someone your expect to lose is hard enough. Losing a mass group of people in a way that takes the safety in safe places away and your security in you community is now questionable can really destroy a human being.
Among the heroes in the situation, Bikers have my respect and thanks. Being from the Midwest, growing up in the Chicago suburbs and now living in the Milwaukee area, I already have a deep respect for bikers, it's in my blood. Seeing that bikers went to Newtown and formed a human barrier to keep the crazy Westboro Baptist Church from picketing at the funerals and vigils just increases my list of personal heroes. I wish I could shake every one of their hands and say thank you, they displayed strength, compassion, courage and most of all, protected those who couldn't protect themselves from bullets from being victims once again. They made sure the families and loved ones of the victims had the opportunity to pay their last respects and give the ones who passed on a proper funeral. Thank you to all the bikers, I will always respect and love you for what you did.
The Westboro Baptist Church...ugh...some of the most evil, closed minded, unloving people I have ever heard of in my life. I really feel the need to remind everyone not to judge all Baptists from Westboro's ignorant actions of hate. I come from a long line of Southern Baptists (I am now Buddhist) and not one of them support or agree with Westboro's actions. Westboro is an insult to Baptists everywhere. I don't care how holier-than-thou you think you are, there is NEVER a reason to picket funerals or vigils. They say God sent the shooter in response to Connecticut's Gay Marriage Law. Who in their right mind would link Gary Marriage with the deaths of so many innocent people? James Dobson also used the deaths as a platform for his views on Gay Marriage, abortion and other issues. gay-marriage_n_2318015.html
What the hell is wrong with these cold hearted opportunists? Vigils, funerals and horrible, tragic events are NOT a platform to cram your beliefs and cruelty down our throats. How can you look a parent in the eye that just lost a child and has had to be strong for their other children, family members and community and tell them that their child was murdered because of all these political and religious issues. God did not kill those children, what the hell is wrong with these idiots? Westboro Baptist Church, in my opinion, is a HATE group. Their actions have stirred up negative emotions, anger and hate. Nothing good came from them as well as James Dobson.
I have had my own struggles through this, I've had to turn off the TV, avoid articles, remove myself from conversations, etc. to help myself deal with this tragedy. The fact that I can do these things is a blessing, the parents and loved ones of the victims don't have those options. They can't remove themselves from the situation, they can't escape. There is no break from the grieving, funeral planning, supporting each other, etc. They can't drive down the street and not see reminders of that horrible day.
I wish I could do more than pray and donate.
Porn Star, Exotic Dancer, Adult Entertainer, Model, Actress, TV Personality
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Sunday, December 23, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Elementary School Shooting Today
I have no words to describe how horrible the shooting in Connecticut has to be, it brings tears to my eyes. This one was at an elementary school...young are they going to feel safe enough in this world to go back to school or a store or even feel safe in their own homes? How do you console a parent that has rushed to school knowing there was a shooting and finding out that your child was a victim?? These parents send their kids to school and shortly after that you find out that your child is dead. I can't imagine being a child in that situation, hearing the gunshots and screams, seeing your friends get shot or not knowing if your friends are alive. I can't imagine being a teacher there, trying to protect your class, keeping calm while the gunshots are going off. This is so sickening.,0,3154787.story
I'm currently watching the President Obama address this right now. He is obviously shaken up and emotional about this. He has had to pause several times to get through his speech and simply walked off when he was done. I'm sending prayers his way, there is going to be pressure on him to take action. He's going to have to work through this and make good decisions while dealing with his own emotions. I don't support a lot of his politics however, I give him credit for addressing the nation and responding to this. This is a time to put differences aside and support each other through this. Obama is a father and is still human, there is no way he, along with all the humans on this planet, can't be upset right now.
My own children are in school as I write this. Part of me wants to run to their schools as fast as I can and take them out of school, take them home and just love them and keep them home, with me and safe. Unfortunately, this isn't an options. We can't allow criminals to control us like that. We can't give our power away to them, regardless if their dead or alive.
I wanted to go on with this blog however, I need to walk away for now. I just heard there are 20 children confirmed dead. I need to take a break, this is too much for me. I am the lucky one, I can turn off the TV, walk away from the school and get my head together. The victims, survivors and officials on that scene don't have that choice. This will forever be a part of who they are.,0,3154787.story
I'm currently watching the President Obama address this right now. He is obviously shaken up and emotional about this. He has had to pause several times to get through his speech and simply walked off when he was done. I'm sending prayers his way, there is going to be pressure on him to take action. He's going to have to work through this and make good decisions while dealing with his own emotions. I don't support a lot of his politics however, I give him credit for addressing the nation and responding to this. This is a time to put differences aside and support each other through this. Obama is a father and is still human, there is no way he, along with all the humans on this planet, can't be upset right now.
My own children are in school as I write this. Part of me wants to run to their schools as fast as I can and take them out of school, take them home and just love them and keep them home, with me and safe. Unfortunately, this isn't an options. We can't allow criminals to control us like that. We can't give our power away to them, regardless if their dead or alive.
I wanted to go on with this blog however, I need to walk away for now. I just heard there are 20 children confirmed dead. I need to take a break, this is too much for me. I am the lucky one, I can turn off the TV, walk away from the school and get my head together. The victims, survivors and officials on that scene don't have that choice. This will forever be a part of who they are.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
It's the same ol' issue every year!!!
It's December!! That's an awesome, December means Christmas and my birthday!!! Although I appreciate my birthday being in December, I haven't always appreciated it. When I was a kid, I always got ripped off. My birthday parties were smaller because money was tighter during the holidays. I absolutely hated that most years I got one present for both Christmas and my birthday. My brothers all had birthdays months away from Christmas so they got the bigger parties and 2 presents for the 2 events...them lucky boys!! Having my birthday exactly a week before Christmas wasn't always a blessing, at least not in my mind. Now, it is. I love the change of seasons, warm comfort food, hot chocolate, all the Christmas decorations and parties. Call it age, but staying home with loved ones on a cold December's night while eating warm comfort food and drinking hot chocolate (possible with a little Baileys) has become the best way to spend my birthday :)
There is another December tradition I'm not so fond of. Since the schools have pushed God out, they get very upset if you use words like "Merry Christmas". Both of my children have been in trouble for saying this in school at one time or another. I have had to correct teachers, principles, and other school employees on this. Don't misunderstand me here, I have the highest respect for those who educate our youth, that's one tough job. There are issues, like with the rest of us, the "school officials" are simply wrong on. On the occasions my children have been told not to wish someone a Merry Christmas because it will offend someone and religious holidays aren't allowed in our schools. That little rule only lasted as long as it took me to get to the school and correct everyone. First of all, Separation of Church and State is NOT in the Constitution. I've had to explain this to a history teacher at one time. Separation of Church and State is in a writing by Thomas Jefferson and all it was meant to say was the state can not tell the church how to worship. Here is an excerpt from his letter:
"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State."
The "wall" was a metaphor for keeping government form interfering with religious practice. He references the First Amendment in his writing however, Separation of Church in State isn't in the First Amendment as so many tried to make me believe. In fact, the Amendment puts restrictions on the government, NOT the people. What we think of as Separation of Church and State today is a total misinterpretation. The Constitution however, does protect our right to free speech and freedom of religion. Therefore, my kids CAN and WILL without punishment say the words "Merry Christmas".
Of course, we want to teach our kids to be respectful of others. They will say "Happy Hanukkah" or "Happy Holidays" when they are aware of another person's different beliefs. They also are not offended if someone says the same to them. It's all meant to with someone well and no one can take that right away Isn't that more important than some uptight prick getting all bent out of shape over someone wishing him a Merry Christmas??
Happy Hanukkah
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Feliz Natividad
Have a blessed Holiday Season!!!
There is another December tradition I'm not so fond of. Since the schools have pushed God out, they get very upset if you use words like "Merry Christmas". Both of my children have been in trouble for saying this in school at one time or another. I have had to correct teachers, principles, and other school employees on this. Don't misunderstand me here, I have the highest respect for those who educate our youth, that's one tough job. There are issues, like with the rest of us, the "school officials" are simply wrong on. On the occasions my children have been told not to wish someone a Merry Christmas because it will offend someone and religious holidays aren't allowed in our schools. That little rule only lasted as long as it took me to get to the school and correct everyone. First of all, Separation of Church and State is NOT in the Constitution. I've had to explain this to a history teacher at one time. Separation of Church and State is in a writing by Thomas Jefferson and all it was meant to say was the state can not tell the church how to worship. Here is an excerpt from his letter:
"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State."
The "wall" was a metaphor for keeping government form interfering with religious practice. He references the First Amendment in his writing however, Separation of Church in State isn't in the First Amendment as so many tried to make me believe. In fact, the Amendment puts restrictions on the government, NOT the people. What we think of as Separation of Church and State today is a total misinterpretation. The Constitution however, does protect our right to free speech and freedom of religion. Therefore, my kids CAN and WILL without punishment say the words "Merry Christmas".
Of course, we want to teach our kids to be respectful of others. They will say "Happy Hanukkah" or "Happy Holidays" when they are aware of another person's different beliefs. They also are not offended if someone says the same to them. It's all meant to with someone well and no one can take that right away Isn't that more important than some uptight prick getting all bent out of shape over someone wishing him a Merry Christmas??
Happy Hanukkah
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Feliz Natividad
Have a blessed Holiday Season!!!
Friday, November 23, 2012
I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving, I know I did! Of course, like with every other holiday, I cooked way too much food!! I looks like I'm going to making a big pot of Turkey soup and canning it...that's not a bad thing :)
As I'm sure lots of us do during this time of year, I was reflecting on my blessings and I have a lot to be thankful for. I have 2 great kids who are very smart and talented. My son is starting college next year and my daughter is starting high school. I have a great family and friends that loves and accepts me for all I am and believe me, I'm a lot to accept!! I have some great activist and educational opportunities coming up, I'm super excited about that!! I got my new Bath and Body Works fragrances in the mail, I'm caught up on laundry, I can go on forever. I recently started a gratitude journal. I'm all about having a healthy spirit and the journal, although it's new to , has already helped.
Thanksgiving also brings back memories for me. As a child, we spent most of our Thanksgiving taking a road trip to Mississippi to visit the family. There's nothing like a southern-style Thanksgiving dinner and being spoiled by your grandparents for a week. In my early 20's, I went to Missouri with my kids to spend Thanksgiving with my grandfather, this is the greatest man I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He made one hell of a ham dinner and, in his classic style, continued to show me what a real man way. I have yet to find anyone who measures up to him although a few have come close.
Today was Black Friday, I didn't make the best decision today. I hate shopping on Black Friday so I never go, I normally do my shopping online. I needed my nails done so I made my appointment for today and the salon I go to is in the mall. I had to park in a parking lot next to the mall's lot and walk in the cold to the mall. I was a little early do I thought I would get some hot chocolate while waiting for my nail tech to be ready for me. That took about 45 minutes. I don't like overcrowded places or waiting in line for anything. After it was all said and done, I was back in the cold walking back to my car which was parked in a far away land. Needless to say, I came home and I've been here all day!!
With all that aggravation, I stayed in a good mood and just kept thinking good thoughts and counting my blessings. My car ran well and kept me warm to and from the mall, my nail tech is awesome and did a stellar job as usual, I'm fortunate enough to be able to get my nails done, the hot chocolate was yummy, the salon wasn't busy, etc, etc.
Life is good and it is full of blessings :)
As I'm sure lots of us do during this time of year, I was reflecting on my blessings and I have a lot to be thankful for. I have 2 great kids who are very smart and talented. My son is starting college next year and my daughter is starting high school. I have a great family and friends that loves and accepts me for all I am and believe me, I'm a lot to accept!! I have some great activist and educational opportunities coming up, I'm super excited about that!! I got my new Bath and Body Works fragrances in the mail, I'm caught up on laundry, I can go on forever. I recently started a gratitude journal. I'm all about having a healthy spirit and the journal, although it's new to , has already helped.
Thanksgiving also brings back memories for me. As a child, we spent most of our Thanksgiving taking a road trip to Mississippi to visit the family. There's nothing like a southern-style Thanksgiving dinner and being spoiled by your grandparents for a week. In my early 20's, I went to Missouri with my kids to spend Thanksgiving with my grandfather, this is the greatest man I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He made one hell of a ham dinner and, in his classic style, continued to show me what a real man way. I have yet to find anyone who measures up to him although a few have come close.
Today was Black Friday, I didn't make the best decision today. I hate shopping on Black Friday so I never go, I normally do my shopping online. I needed my nails done so I made my appointment for today and the salon I go to is in the mall. I had to park in a parking lot next to the mall's lot and walk in the cold to the mall. I was a little early do I thought I would get some hot chocolate while waiting for my nail tech to be ready for me. That took about 45 minutes. I don't like overcrowded places or waiting in line for anything. After it was all said and done, I was back in the cold walking back to my car which was parked in a far away land. Needless to say, I came home and I've been here all day!!
With all that aggravation, I stayed in a good mood and just kept thinking good thoughts and counting my blessings. My car ran well and kept me warm to and from the mall, my nail tech is awesome and did a stellar job as usual, I'm fortunate enough to be able to get my nails done, the hot chocolate was yummy, the salon wasn't busy, etc, etc.
Life is good and it is full of blessings :)
Friday, November 2, 2012
Sutter the Silence
Leanna Vannarom is a photographer who uses her art to
bring awareness to sexual assault and give victims a voice. This is an awesome cause and one that I
support with all my heart and being.
Check out Leanna's Facebook page!!
She is still taking photos and can do a group photo or
hook up with you on a one on one basis.
She also announces when she will be having a photo shoot. You don't have to show your face. The photos are of victims and their
allies. If you are willing to help her
out, get a hold of her, she will be happy to take your photo.
Shutter the Silence is having their first exhibition at
The Healing Center's Hope Shining Gala on Thursday Dec. 6 from 5:30 to 8:30pm
at the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts in the Bradley Pavilion.
She is also taking pictures there if you would like to be
a part of this :)
Leanna Vannarom
Leanna Vannarom Photography
Founder of Shutter the Silence
(414) 581-7173
Monday, October 8, 2012
The donations were about helping those with Breast Cancer, does it really matter where the money was donated from? If their going to be that way, they should look at their other donors. They HAVE received money from sex workers, myself being one for them.
There are porn performers who get the unfortunate diagnosis of breast cancer; the fact that their sex workers does not make them any less valuable as humans or women.
The donations were about helping those with Breast Cancer, does it really matter where the money was donated from? If their going to be that way, they should look at their other donors. They HAVE received money from sex workers, myself being one for them.
There are porn performers who get the unfortunate diagnosis of breast cancer; the fact that their sex workers does not make them any less valuable as humans or women.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Good Stuff and Scary Stuff
This past Saturday SWOP-Wisconsin was at Slutwalk in Milwaukee this year and I once again had the honor of speaking. Although this year seemed to have a smaller turnout, it was a success. Katie Jesse, an activist I greatly admire, took it over 2 weeks before the official event and did an awesome job with little time. SWOP-Wisconsin had our table there, providing drinks and snacks and talking to those who were interested in talking to us.
I feel my speech didn't go as well as last year, I didn't feel as prepared as I should have been although I thought I was before I went on. This year my speech was about human sexual assault other than in-person, hands on ways. The two major ways that I talked about were web cam and porn shoots. Now, before I go any further, please understand that pimps, regardless of prostitution, web cam, porn or any other way to traffic and sexually assault humans, is NOT part of the legitimate Adult Industry. These guys are criminals, bad guys, and give a good industry a bad name.
Web cam is a very common and often ignored way to sexually assault someone. The victims of web cam sexual assault and trafficking are very often hard to find and help. The bad guys can keep their shows from appearing online in certain cities, countries, etc. This makes it nearly impossible for authorities to rescue the victims. Web cam is a fun form of entertainment for both legitimate performers and clients however, the abuses of web camming is devastating to the people who are doing it against their will.
I've never been on a porn shoot where I was aware of anyone being there against their will however, it DOES happen. The pimps have the girls do the shoots and keep their money, it's just like turning a well paying trick for them. I'm not referring to the legitimate agents in the adult industry, I'm referring to the actual pimps and bad guys that use our industry to commit their crimes and hurt people.
The authorities don't know exactly what to do with situation and all too often, they are mis or under informed. From my personal experience with law enforcement, they very seldom want to help in situations like this and it's all too easy to claim it's not their jurisdiction and refer the person turning to them to another agency who then again says it's not their jurisdiction and refers them elsewhere. It's a horrible pattern in our world. This is an issues that needs more attention, education and ACTION. I wish I had all the answers as to how to handle this but I don't.
On a lighter side, we raised a good amount of money for SWOP-Wisconsin and Slutwalk through donations for our treats :) It felt really good to help out such a great cause and spread the word about SWOP. We're hoping to be at more events in the future and really start getting to know our community better as we introduce ourselves to them.
I feel my speech didn't go as well as last year, I didn't feel as prepared as I should have been although I thought I was before I went on. This year my speech was about human sexual assault other than in-person, hands on ways. The two major ways that I talked about were web cam and porn shoots. Now, before I go any further, please understand that pimps, regardless of prostitution, web cam, porn or any other way to traffic and sexually assault humans, is NOT part of the legitimate Adult Industry. These guys are criminals, bad guys, and give a good industry a bad name.
Web cam is a very common and often ignored way to sexually assault someone. The victims of web cam sexual assault and trafficking are very often hard to find and help. The bad guys can keep their shows from appearing online in certain cities, countries, etc. This makes it nearly impossible for authorities to rescue the victims. Web cam is a fun form of entertainment for both legitimate performers and clients however, the abuses of web camming is devastating to the people who are doing it against their will.
I've never been on a porn shoot where I was aware of anyone being there against their will however, it DOES happen. The pimps have the girls do the shoots and keep their money, it's just like turning a well paying trick for them. I'm not referring to the legitimate agents in the adult industry, I'm referring to the actual pimps and bad guys that use our industry to commit their crimes and hurt people.
The authorities don't know exactly what to do with situation and all too often, they are mis or under informed. From my personal experience with law enforcement, they very seldom want to help in situations like this and it's all too easy to claim it's not their jurisdiction and refer the person turning to them to another agency who then again says it's not their jurisdiction and refers them elsewhere. It's a horrible pattern in our world. This is an issues that needs more attention, education and ACTION. I wish I had all the answers as to how to handle this but I don't.
On a lighter side, we raised a good amount of money for SWOP-Wisconsin and Slutwalk through donations for our treats :) It felt really good to help out such a great cause and spread the word about SWOP. We're hoping to be at more events in the future and really start getting to know our community better as we introduce ourselves to them.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
What defines me?
I love this question and the more I answer it, the more I get to know me and like me. I realized through the past few years of asking myself and answering this question that I'm a very complex, multi-talented, intelligent and loyal person. I wasn't expecting to find the things out about me that I did. I also have realized that knowing what defines me gives me confidence, security in myself, strength and the ability to handle situations and people that could be more difficult.
Very often, others will define my whole person by one element of my life. The fact that I'm a porn star comes with sterotypes that just don't fit me. I very often get dick pictures e mailed to me with vulgar language. I am a sensusal, sexual person however, random dick pictures with comments like "Do you like my cock?" and "I want to fuck you" do absolutely nothing for me. Guys do this because I have done adult films and besides realizing that there is a human behind Becca Blossoms, they define me as someone that breathes, eats and sleeps fucking. Another gentleman who I was chatting with on Yahoo while getting some work done on the computer asked me what I was doing. I said "I'm working" and his response was "Your fucking right now?" He obviously defines me as someone who only fucks for a living and doesn't realize that's one of the things I do. I'm sexual, sensual, I love to perform, I love what I do. Performing on film does not define me as a person, I use who I am deep down inside to help me to perform well. If I were only defined by the fact I did adult films, I wouldn't have any fans, my work would be terrible and I wouldn't be so comfortable with what I do, proud of the films I have made and would be empty inside.
Another thing that I'm often defined by is the myth that all adult performers are on drugs, drink excessively and like to party all the time. I often get offered drugs and get invited, when I'm out, to go out to someones car and do a few lines or pop some pills. I have never done drugs except for smoking pot. I'm a very light, social drinker and often don't drink when I go out. I've always been a health nut so the whole party scene doesn't really appeal to me. I'm offended when someone offers me drugs simply because they think I do them because I'm an adult entertainer. Not all of us spend our time partying and messed up on something. I'm not defined by the myths of being a porn star.
Some of the things that define me are:
Loyalty, I'm a very loyal person. I have strong family values and I'm very loyal to my family and friends. I'm also loyal to the sex workers that have confided in me and have became a part of SWOP-Wisconsin. You will never find me stabbing anyone in the back, using them, being dishonest or turning my back on anyone I love.
Integrity, how I conduct myself, allow myself to act and where I allow my head to go are all things that define me. Of course, being human, we all make mistakes or allow our thoughts to wonder off where they shouldn't. I try to catch myself when this happens. I use my words, actions and thoughts to do the best I can to be the best person I can be.
Spirituality, I'm a very spiritual person, I have a relationship with my higher power that has grown and changed through time. I feel a connection with the universe and with people. I'm a practicing Buddhist and through Buddhism I have grown spiritually healthier, connected deeper with my higher power and my own soul and have been blessed with a peaceful, rewarding, loving life. My feet remain on the ground. No amount of money, success, who knows me or who I know can ever replace my spirit and soul. They are things I work hard to keep healthy and grow, and they are never negotiable.
Hard Working, this is something that has been put in me since my childhood. I come from the typical middle class, hard working, Midwestern family. I have no problem getting up and going to work and doing my best. It doesn't matter if I'm performing, directing, meeting a new producer, dong my web cam, running SWOP or volunteering with one of the many organizations I work with in my community. It's very important that I work hard, give it my all and at the end of the day know that I did my best, I accomplished something. I'm not afraid of a little dirt, solving problems, or being the only one working my butt off. I don't believe in taking hand outs, when times get tough, I get creative and find ways to work more or make the work I'm doing work better for me.
Happiness, this is a choice, not something that happens to me. I choose to be happy and work hard to stay that way. I know that working out, having creative outlets, working hard, making good life choices, etc. all contribute to my happiness. Happiness is the result of good life choices. When I look back in my life and see periods of time where I wasn't happy, it's always due to life choices. I'm not talking about things that happen that keep us from being happy such as a flat tire or the death of a loved one. I'm talking about not feeling happiness and joy from deep within me. When I'm not happy, I now I need to change a choice I have made.
Independent, this has worked for me and against me. I'm a very independent person, my mother raised me to be. She taught me to be strong, make life work for me, make good choices and to fight for what I believe in, what I want to who I am. This has worked against me at times. I have to remind myself about little things such as letting the gentleman pick up the tab while on a date or asking for help when I could use it. I have gotten better, although it still feels a little weird when a date pays for everything.
I cold go on and on about what defines me. I have discovered each thing one at a time and I'm still getting to know me. The things that don't define me are:
The tag on my clothes, I've never been one that was into wearing designer names or carrying a Gucci bag. This just isn't me and I contribute that again to my middle class Midwestern upbringing. I love cute clothes and shoes and I don't like cheap, poorly made anything. However, I will never spend thousands of dollars on anything article of clothing or bag, it's just not necessary. I look good in what I buy and no matter what I decide to wear or carry, it doesn't define me, it only says I like cute clothes :)
My house and car, these are 2 things that are often looked at as status symbols in our society. I like a nice, clean house with a big yard. I have cute little ranch house in a suburb that is about 50 years old. My neighbors are great, I love living here. My house is cute, clean, well taken care of and most of all, it's home for me and my kids. The only part of this that defines me is the loving home I have created for my kids. I fill my house with love and so do my children. The value of my house isn't important. I can provide the same loving home environment for my kids in a 2-bedroom apartment and, in fact, I have. The same goes for my vehicle. I have a little convertible I drive in the summer, I bought it used. It's a cute little car, when I was looking, I wanted a convertible for the summer because I though it would be nice to drive one in the summer since I love being outside. Although driving my little car is something I like to do, it doesn't define me. The value isn't important, the enjoyment I get out of it is. Enjoyment is good for my psyche and spirit.
My income, I never share what I make with anyone because it has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of person I am and doesn't make me any better or worse than anyone else. I know how to work hard, pay my bills and provide for my family; anyone that knows me knows that I do these things well. What is in my bank account or the value of my assets are just numbers, nothing more.
What others say about me, in a nutshell, other people don't have the power to define me. Negative things have been said about me and the best way I find to deal with it is to ignore it. I don't have to associate with people who see me negatively. Their entitled to their opinion and I have no desire to try to change it or stop them from saying negative things. I'm confident enough in myself that I know it doesn't matter. I have a strong enough personality to let it roll off my shoulders and keep my mind on the positive things in life, there is so much more positive than negative.
I could go on and on about what does or doesn't define me. I'm still getting to know me and so far I like what I know so far. Answering the question "What defines me?" isn't easy or able to be answered in 30 seconds. It's one question that I have been answering for many years now and I will always continue to answer.
Very often, others will define my whole person by one element of my life. The fact that I'm a porn star comes with sterotypes that just don't fit me. I very often get dick pictures e mailed to me with vulgar language. I am a sensusal, sexual person however, random dick pictures with comments like "Do you like my cock?" and "I want to fuck you" do absolutely nothing for me. Guys do this because I have done adult films and besides realizing that there is a human behind Becca Blossoms, they define me as someone that breathes, eats and sleeps fucking. Another gentleman who I was chatting with on Yahoo while getting some work done on the computer asked me what I was doing. I said "I'm working" and his response was "Your fucking right now?" He obviously defines me as someone who only fucks for a living and doesn't realize that's one of the things I do. I'm sexual, sensual, I love to perform, I love what I do. Performing on film does not define me as a person, I use who I am deep down inside to help me to perform well. If I were only defined by the fact I did adult films, I wouldn't have any fans, my work would be terrible and I wouldn't be so comfortable with what I do, proud of the films I have made and would be empty inside.
Another thing that I'm often defined by is the myth that all adult performers are on drugs, drink excessively and like to party all the time. I often get offered drugs and get invited, when I'm out, to go out to someones car and do a few lines or pop some pills. I have never done drugs except for smoking pot. I'm a very light, social drinker and often don't drink when I go out. I've always been a health nut so the whole party scene doesn't really appeal to me. I'm offended when someone offers me drugs simply because they think I do them because I'm an adult entertainer. Not all of us spend our time partying and messed up on something. I'm not defined by the myths of being a porn star.
Some of the things that define me are:
Loyalty, I'm a very loyal person. I have strong family values and I'm very loyal to my family and friends. I'm also loyal to the sex workers that have confided in me and have became a part of SWOP-Wisconsin. You will never find me stabbing anyone in the back, using them, being dishonest or turning my back on anyone I love.
Integrity, how I conduct myself, allow myself to act and where I allow my head to go are all things that define me. Of course, being human, we all make mistakes or allow our thoughts to wonder off where they shouldn't. I try to catch myself when this happens. I use my words, actions and thoughts to do the best I can to be the best person I can be.
Spirituality, I'm a very spiritual person, I have a relationship with my higher power that has grown and changed through time. I feel a connection with the universe and with people. I'm a practicing Buddhist and through Buddhism I have grown spiritually healthier, connected deeper with my higher power and my own soul and have been blessed with a peaceful, rewarding, loving life. My feet remain on the ground. No amount of money, success, who knows me or who I know can ever replace my spirit and soul. They are things I work hard to keep healthy and grow, and they are never negotiable.
Hard Working, this is something that has been put in me since my childhood. I come from the typical middle class, hard working, Midwestern family. I have no problem getting up and going to work and doing my best. It doesn't matter if I'm performing, directing, meeting a new producer, dong my web cam, running SWOP or volunteering with one of the many organizations I work with in my community. It's very important that I work hard, give it my all and at the end of the day know that I did my best, I accomplished something. I'm not afraid of a little dirt, solving problems, or being the only one working my butt off. I don't believe in taking hand outs, when times get tough, I get creative and find ways to work more or make the work I'm doing work better for me.
Happiness, this is a choice, not something that happens to me. I choose to be happy and work hard to stay that way. I know that working out, having creative outlets, working hard, making good life choices, etc. all contribute to my happiness. Happiness is the result of good life choices. When I look back in my life and see periods of time where I wasn't happy, it's always due to life choices. I'm not talking about things that happen that keep us from being happy such as a flat tire or the death of a loved one. I'm talking about not feeling happiness and joy from deep within me. When I'm not happy, I now I need to change a choice I have made.
Independent, this has worked for me and against me. I'm a very independent person, my mother raised me to be. She taught me to be strong, make life work for me, make good choices and to fight for what I believe in, what I want to who I am. This has worked against me at times. I have to remind myself about little things such as letting the gentleman pick up the tab while on a date or asking for help when I could use it. I have gotten better, although it still feels a little weird when a date pays for everything.
I cold go on and on about what defines me. I have discovered each thing one at a time and I'm still getting to know me. The things that don't define me are:
The tag on my clothes, I've never been one that was into wearing designer names or carrying a Gucci bag. This just isn't me and I contribute that again to my middle class Midwestern upbringing. I love cute clothes and shoes and I don't like cheap, poorly made anything. However, I will never spend thousands of dollars on anything article of clothing or bag, it's just not necessary. I look good in what I buy and no matter what I decide to wear or carry, it doesn't define me, it only says I like cute clothes :)
My house and car, these are 2 things that are often looked at as status symbols in our society. I like a nice, clean house with a big yard. I have cute little ranch house in a suburb that is about 50 years old. My neighbors are great, I love living here. My house is cute, clean, well taken care of and most of all, it's home for me and my kids. The only part of this that defines me is the loving home I have created for my kids. I fill my house with love and so do my children. The value of my house isn't important. I can provide the same loving home environment for my kids in a 2-bedroom apartment and, in fact, I have. The same goes for my vehicle. I have a little convertible I drive in the summer, I bought it used. It's a cute little car, when I was looking, I wanted a convertible for the summer because I though it would be nice to drive one in the summer since I love being outside. Although driving my little car is something I like to do, it doesn't define me. The value isn't important, the enjoyment I get out of it is. Enjoyment is good for my psyche and spirit.
My income, I never share what I make with anyone because it has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of person I am and doesn't make me any better or worse than anyone else. I know how to work hard, pay my bills and provide for my family; anyone that knows me knows that I do these things well. What is in my bank account or the value of my assets are just numbers, nothing more.
What others say about me, in a nutshell, other people don't have the power to define me. Negative things have been said about me and the best way I find to deal with it is to ignore it. I don't have to associate with people who see me negatively. Their entitled to their opinion and I have no desire to try to change it or stop them from saying negative things. I'm confident enough in myself that I know it doesn't matter. I have a strong enough personality to let it roll off my shoulders and keep my mind on the positive things in life, there is so much more positive than negative.
I could go on and on about what does or doesn't define me. I'm still getting to know me and so far I like what I know so far. Answering the question "What defines me?" isn't easy or able to be answered in 30 seconds. It's one question that I have been answering for many years now and I will always continue to answer.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
I can't help but feel even more disgusted with are legal system, not that they weren't disgusting before. Human Trafficking is a huge hot button political issue right now. Even I sit on the Human Trafficking Task Force in Milwaukee. It's a serious issue that needs serious attention. Most of us normal people can figure this much out. Now we throw law enforcement, politicians and the worry about every one's bottom line in there and the true concern about victims of human trafficking and the bad guys gets squash under the weight of all the BS. We now have our Federal Government giving money to municipalities to catch people that traffic humans and their victims. The problem is, very little of this money goes to human trafficking, the majority of it goes to catching independent escorts who have absolutely nothing to do with trafficking. Independent girls are easier to catch and more likely to pay their fines. Pimps love, love, love the independent girls, we distract the police.
When the police to happen to stumble upon a real human trafficker and victims, our social services aren't equipped to actually help anyone. Most helping organizations mean well however, they don't understand the victims and can do little to help them. More education is needed for this. Our joke of a government, starting with our ridiculous excuse for a president, doesn't care enough to make sure the money given to find bad guys and victims of human trafficking is actually used for that purpose. I've been working with sex workers from all walks of life and areas of sex work, I'm an advocate for sexual assault victims and very often those victims are victims of human trafficking. There isn't enough help for these people and the thought at what local law enforcement agencies are doing with money given to them to catch human traffickers makes me sick to my stomach.
When the police to happen to stumble upon a real human trafficker and victims, our social services aren't equipped to actually help anyone. Most helping organizations mean well however, they don't understand the victims and can do little to help them. More education is needed for this. Our joke of a government, starting with our ridiculous excuse for a president, doesn't care enough to make sure the money given to find bad guys and victims of human trafficking is actually used for that purpose. I've been working with sex workers from all walks of life and areas of sex work, I'm an advocate for sexual assault victims and very often those victims are victims of human trafficking. There isn't enough help for these people and the thought at what local law enforcement agencies are doing with money given to them to catch human traffickers makes me sick to my stomach.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Good Morning!!
I'm getting ready to head home from Hammond,IN. I met some great people here and I most certainly will be back to Indiana...I already have some other areas in mind that I want to visit. The only draw back was the hotel looked a hell of a lot better online than it really is. I like to stay in nice, clean places. Although this place isn't horrible, it's not a place I will return to. This hotel also doesn't have a workout room...that's a huge slip up on my part and a big no no when booking a hotel for me. I gotta work out. I am creative and didn't go without activity however, this is something I need make sure I pay more attention to.
It's going to be warm out today, as long as it stays dry, it should be a great day to drive home with top down on the car...that puts me in such a great mood :)
SWOP-Wisconsin and I will be hanging out at Jazz in the park on September 6, here is the info:
I may have previously said September 23, that was a mistake.
We want to meet people in out community, let them get to know us and have a great time. We're working on expanding interest and getting ourselves out there. Come out and say hello :)
I saw a news story on Fox Chicago today...and I really wish I can remember the name of the dad in this story. The dad does triathlons and brings his daughter with him. She has cerebal palsy and is unable to walk. This dad wants her to experience all the out doors has to offer. Fox Chicago showed him pulling her in a little float in the water, pushing her in a stroller and pulling her behind his bike. I love to see parents being parents and seeing this story brought tears to my eyes.
Go DAD!!!
I'm getting ready to head home from Hammond,IN. I met some great people here and I most certainly will be back to Indiana...I already have some other areas in mind that I want to visit. The only draw back was the hotel looked a hell of a lot better online than it really is. I like to stay in nice, clean places. Although this place isn't horrible, it's not a place I will return to. This hotel also doesn't have a workout room...that's a huge slip up on my part and a big no no when booking a hotel for me. I gotta work out. I am creative and didn't go without activity however, this is something I need make sure I pay more attention to.
It's going to be warm out today, as long as it stays dry, it should be a great day to drive home with top down on the car...that puts me in such a great mood :)
SWOP-Wisconsin and I will be hanging out at Jazz in the park on September 6, here is the info:
I may have previously said September 23, that was a mistake.
We want to meet people in out community, let them get to know us and have a great time. We're working on expanding interest and getting ourselves out there. Come out and say hello :)
I saw a news story on Fox Chicago today...and I really wish I can remember the name of the dad in this story. The dad does triathlons and brings his daughter with him. She has cerebal palsy and is unable to walk. This dad wants her to experience all the out doors has to offer. Fox Chicago showed him pulling her in a little float in the water, pushing her in a stroller and pulling her behind his bike. I love to see parents being parents and seeing this story brought tears to my eyes.
Go DAD!!!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Hanging out in Hammond
I just got into Hammond today, I've never really spent time here. Needless to say, I've been neglecting my fans here!! I drove around town today and realize that it's not bad. I found a few restaurants I plan on checking out and I already went tanning this cute little place I found. There are also some stores I simply HAVE to check out. I'm a HUGE bargain shopper and I think I can find some cute things in these stores.
Speaking of bargain shopping, I always find it funny when I share my money saving techniques with people who really don't know me or the looks I get from fans when they find me in the grocery store with a hand full of coupons. I have my middle class Midwestern upbringing to thank for my money saving skills. My mother was awesome at stretching a dollar, we were all very well taken care of. (I have 4 brothers). Like anyone else, I work hard for my money and I want to make the best decisions with it. The best thing that came out of my (most of the time) good financial decisions, I can put my kids through college :)
Now, don't get the wrong idea, some things I just can't go cheap on. I HAVE to have Biolage shampoo and conditioner. I will pay more for a nice hotel when I travel. I can never, ever buy cheap meat...that's just not acceptable. I've never cared about the tag on my clothes and you'll never see me with a Gucci bag, I think their ugly and I would never spend that money on any bag no matter what kind of social status it comes with. There are times I will when I bought Motley Crue tickets, 5th row center, before the tickets went on sale. I'm not going to tell you the ridiculous amount of money I spent on them, or the shirt I bought at the concert, but I will tell you it was worth every penny.
Motley Crue...My all time favorite band!!! I get to see them again September 8th at Alpine Valley. My friends and I are renting a limo bus. I didn't even know those existed!!!! I normally won't go to any concert unless I have decent seats however, my friends will make the lawn seats well worth it. Their a hoot and I'm most certainly blessed with them all. Their all crazy but they keep me grounded and sane.
This past weekend was an eventful one. My daughter had a pretty big 13th birthday party, I had kids the pool, house, all over the yard. It was a great time. A few kids seemed to linger for a few days after the party and boy did that bring back memories. I was once a 13 year old girl and my daughter is way too much like me. Needless to say, my mother loves that fact.
Speaking of bargain shopping, I always find it funny when I share my money saving techniques with people who really don't know me or the looks I get from fans when they find me in the grocery store with a hand full of coupons. I have my middle class Midwestern upbringing to thank for my money saving skills. My mother was awesome at stretching a dollar, we were all very well taken care of. (I have 4 brothers). Like anyone else, I work hard for my money and I want to make the best decisions with it. The best thing that came out of my (most of the time) good financial decisions, I can put my kids through college :)
Now, don't get the wrong idea, some things I just can't go cheap on. I HAVE to have Biolage shampoo and conditioner. I will pay more for a nice hotel when I travel. I can never, ever buy cheap meat...that's just not acceptable. I've never cared about the tag on my clothes and you'll never see me with a Gucci bag, I think their ugly and I would never spend that money on any bag no matter what kind of social status it comes with. There are times I will when I bought Motley Crue tickets, 5th row center, before the tickets went on sale. I'm not going to tell you the ridiculous amount of money I spent on them, or the shirt I bought at the concert, but I will tell you it was worth every penny.
Motley Crue...My all time favorite band!!! I get to see them again September 8th at Alpine Valley. My friends and I are renting a limo bus. I didn't even know those existed!!!! I normally won't go to any concert unless I have decent seats however, my friends will make the lawn seats well worth it. Their a hoot and I'm most certainly blessed with them all. Their all crazy but they keep me grounded and sane.
This past weekend was an eventful one. My daughter had a pretty big 13th birthday party, I had kids the pool, house, all over the yard. It was a great time. A few kids seemed to linger for a few days after the party and boy did that bring back memories. I was once a 13 year old girl and my daughter is way too much like me. Needless to say, my mother loves that fact.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Oak Creek Sikh Shooting
As I'm sure we're all aware, there was a horrible shooting at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, WI. For me, this is way to close to home as I live in Oak Creek. There isn't a place you can go in town and not hear about this or see things that remind you of this horrible tragedy. The Sikh Temple had hundreds of members and they were about to start their service when Wade Michael Page shot and killed 6 people. He, at one point, shot himself after other interactions with people. From what I gather, he was a white supremacist, even having a tattoo on his arm supporting white supremacy. His step mother was interviewed and she claims he has a normal childhood and had friends from different races.
I really don't want this to turn into a gun issue here. Although Wade's gun, a 9mm, was bought legally, no amount of gun control would have stopped anyone sick enough to do this. If you removed all the guns in the US, the sick, bad people will either find a way to get them illegally or use other weapons. Gun control isn't the issue. Wade was an army veteran, could his experience in the army caused him some issues that went untreated? I really don't know however, it's something to look into and possibly learn from.
Let's all pray for the victims and their families and even Wade's family and loved ones. This is going to be hard on lot of innocent people. Let's also pray for the Oak Creek police who did a wonderful job and the organizations such as the Salvation Army and Red Cross, who not only responded very quickly but were very accommodating to the needs of the people within their culture and beliefs. The FBI is on this case and the president issued a statement. Regular people from the community cam out to show support and do whatever they could. The pride and love I feel for my community for coming out and banding totterer to help brings tears to my eyes.
On a lighter note, I'm working on getting my ass to Hammond, IN August 13 and 14. This isn't a place where I would think to visit however, I have had a ton of requests from fans out there to visit, so I am. I have driven through Indiana but have never stayed there for any reason. I'm really looking forward to meeting my fans out there.
I'm working with Slut Walk Milwaukee this year and I have to say, we have some pretty incredible people working on it this year. I will be posting when our fund raisers will be set in stone. I plan on being at everyone I can. I love the cause and the opportunity to meet incredible people. I would love to see my fans at our fundraisers!!!
Stay safe everyone and God Bless!!
Becca Blossoms
I really don't want this to turn into a gun issue here. Although Wade's gun, a 9mm, was bought legally, no amount of gun control would have stopped anyone sick enough to do this. If you removed all the guns in the US, the sick, bad people will either find a way to get them illegally or use other weapons. Gun control isn't the issue. Wade was an army veteran, could his experience in the army caused him some issues that went untreated? I really don't know however, it's something to look into and possibly learn from.
Let's all pray for the victims and their families and even Wade's family and loved ones. This is going to be hard on lot of innocent people. Let's also pray for the Oak Creek police who did a wonderful job and the organizations such as the Salvation Army and Red Cross, who not only responded very quickly but were very accommodating to the needs of the people within their culture and beliefs. The FBI is on this case and the president issued a statement. Regular people from the community cam out to show support and do whatever they could. The pride and love I feel for my community for coming out and banding totterer to help brings tears to my eyes.
On a lighter note, I'm working on getting my ass to Hammond, IN August 13 and 14. This isn't a place where I would think to visit however, I have had a ton of requests from fans out there to visit, so I am. I have driven through Indiana but have never stayed there for any reason. I'm really looking forward to meeting my fans out there.
I'm working with Slut Walk Milwaukee this year and I have to say, we have some pretty incredible people working on it this year. I will be posting when our fund raisers will be set in stone. I plan on being at everyone I can. I love the cause and the opportunity to meet incredible people. I would love to see my fans at our fundraisers!!!
Stay safe everyone and God Bless!!
Becca Blossoms
Monday, July 30, 2012
It's hard to believe that in this day and age that people still actually find ways to excuse sexual assault. SWOP-Wisconsin is once again working with Slutwalk, this is the second year for Slutwalk in Milwaukee. We've learned so much from our first Slutwalk and I know this year is going to be better than last year. We're working really hard to stop victim-blaming. It doesn't matter what your wearing, what you do for a living, how intoxicated you are, where your at, what your reputation is or anything else about you, NO ONE deserves to be sexually assaulted for any reason. I'm super excited to be a part of such a great organization. There are some amazing people working on this, just like last year. I will be speaking again this year. I'm not sure exactly where I'm going to go with it however, it will have a sex worker theme to it, of course. I'm looking forward to see who else will be speaking. SWOP-Wisconsin will also have our own table this year, we will be selling merchandise and answering questions about SWOP.
Here is our PSA from last year. I think it's pretty awesome and I'm looking forward to our new one.
Here is our PSA from last year. I think it's pretty awesome and I'm looking forward to our new one.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
I'm aware of all the anti porn people in our word and I sincerely try to understand where their coming from. I find most of them to be extreme, ridiculous, mis or uninformed or simply ignorant. Gale Dines is no exception. I just started reading her book "Pornland : How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality" I just started reading this book and I have to say, it's painful. This woman has a lot of learning to do, she's full of a lot of opinion with no substance. One of the things that sticks out to me so far is her complaining about people in the porn industry conducting them as a business. Well...duh, it IS an industry ran by people whose livelihoods depends on their earnings from the porn industry. Who wouldn't conduct themselves as a business? This is one of the first complaints she writes about in her book.
Dale Gines actually knocks pron producers for being in porn to make money. Well, we all need a source of income and there is nothing wrong with someone choosing the adult industry to make their money. I make my money through the adult industry. I'm an honest, hard working woman with her priorities straight and I guarantee I'm not the only one in adult like this. Gale is making money off the ridiculous book she wrote, she has no right to knock the people working in adult. In a way, she is making money off the adult industry, if the industry didn't exist she would have to find something else to write a book of ridiculousness about.
Gale claims to have studied the porn industry for 2 years, her writings, so far, fail to reflect that. She is closed minded, biased and seems like a bully when someone doesn't want to agree with her. I'm still researching and reading her book. I will be blogging more about it. So far, I find Gale Dines unimpressive, immature, a bully and, worst of all taking away from the truth. When you take away from the truth, nothing good happens.
In this clip, Gale claims that there is little rape in porn because women say yes to everything. I say BS. I've NEVER done anything against my will in the industry. No one does what they don't want to do. I don't feel pressure to do things I don't want to do. I've never been raped or sexually assaulted in my industry in fact, I've always been treated with respect and dignity.
Gale wants to sue pornographers for harm. Really? How are you going to prove that someones choice to watch porn caused harm that is the responsibility of porn? That's like suing McDonald's for your child being obese or blaming a rape victim for being assaulted because her skirt was too short. At what point does Gale feel a person responsible for their own actions and well being?
Porn has been around as long as humans have been sexual beings, it hasn't killed us yet.
I'm still reading this ridiculous mess she wrote.
Dale Gines actually knocks pron producers for being in porn to make money. Well, we all need a source of income and there is nothing wrong with someone choosing the adult industry to make their money. I make my money through the adult industry. I'm an honest, hard working woman with her priorities straight and I guarantee I'm not the only one in adult like this. Gale is making money off the ridiculous book she wrote, she has no right to knock the people working in adult. In a way, she is making money off the adult industry, if the industry didn't exist she would have to find something else to write a book of ridiculousness about.
Gale claims to have studied the porn industry for 2 years, her writings, so far, fail to reflect that. She is closed minded, biased and seems like a bully when someone doesn't want to agree with her. I'm still researching and reading her book. I will be blogging more about it. So far, I find Gale Dines unimpressive, immature, a bully and, worst of all taking away from the truth. When you take away from the truth, nothing good happens.
In this clip, Gale claims that there is little rape in porn because women say yes to everything. I say BS. I've NEVER done anything against my will in the industry. No one does what they don't want to do. I don't feel pressure to do things I don't want to do. I've never been raped or sexually assaulted in my industry in fact, I've always been treated with respect and dignity.
Gale wants to sue pornographers for harm. Really? How are you going to prove that someones choice to watch porn caused harm that is the responsibility of porn? That's like suing McDonald's for your child being obese or blaming a rape victim for being assaulted because her skirt was too short. At what point does Gale feel a person responsible for their own actions and well being?
Porn has been around as long as humans have been sexual beings, it hasn't killed us yet.
I'm still reading this ridiculous mess she wrote.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy Independence Day!!!
Happy Independence Day to everyone!!! Today is a day that has deep meaning for Americans. It celebrates our independence form the Kingdom of Great Britain and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. We celebrate our freedom and the heroes that fought hard and fight today to protect our independence. For me I make sure that I bring honor and remember one great man that taught me what family values are, what a real man is, and the value of a strong work ethic, making good choices and living right. He was an Admiral in the United States Navy and fought in 2 wars. We all have a hero in our lives and my Grandfather is and always will be mine. I try to honor him every day by putting into action the values he taught me. I know he is up in heaven looking down on me and is proud of me and the two people I'm raising.
Today is going to be fun :) I'm going on a duck ride with a friend that actually owns a duck, I don't know where you would buy a duck but he acquired one somehow :) I'm looking forward to getting a tan and hanging out. Tonight I'm taking my kids to see fireworks, it's going to be lots of fun. We will most certainly talk about the meaning of the holiday. My kids are awesome, I love hanging out with them :)
Happy Independence Day Everyone!!!
Today is going to be fun :) I'm going on a duck ride with a friend that actually owns a duck, I don't know where you would buy a duck but he acquired one somehow :) I'm looking forward to getting a tan and hanging out. Tonight I'm taking my kids to see fireworks, it's going to be lots of fun. We will most certainly talk about the meaning of the holiday. My kids are awesome, I love hanging out with them :)
Happy Independence Day Everyone!!!
Friday, June 29, 2012
An amazing woman, Claudin O'Leary, posted this link on one of my google groups. It really touched me and goes against a lot of sterotypes out there. I like to say "Sex worker are people too" however, I think my new saying is going to be "Sex workers are whole people".
As sex workers, we are up against some pretty tough sterotypes, misconceptions, and downright false statements and abuse. As a sex worker myself, I hold my head high and live my life the best way I can. I know I'm a good person as with most sex workers.
Here's another video I found...all these woman are showing amazing courage :)
I've had a very fufilling experience this week...I was at the Human Trafficking Task Force Meeting with another SWOP-Milwaukee member. This meeting was very informative. I've never been a part of something so great and full of suc a diverse group of people working on the same goal. We discussed the laws, the ones that are in place, ones we would like to see in place and laws that shouldn't be in place. I've never been a part of something like this before. Being involved in this is a learning experience and an opportunity to make things better for us all. Im excited to see the results of all our had work :)
As sex workers, we are up against some pretty tough sterotypes, misconceptions, and downright false statements and abuse. As a sex worker myself, I hold my head high and live my life the best way I can. I know I'm a good person as with most sex workers.
Here's another video I found...all these woman are showing amazing courage :)
I've had a very fufilling experience this week...I was at the Human Trafficking Task Force Meeting with another SWOP-Milwaukee member. This meeting was very informative. I've never been a part of something so great and full of suc a diverse group of people working on the same goal. We discussed the laws, the ones that are in place, ones we would like to see in place and laws that shouldn't be in place. I've never been a part of something like this before. Being involved in this is a learning experience and an opportunity to make things better for us all. Im excited to see the results of all our had work :)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Did everyone get out to Pridefest this weekend? I went to Pridefest in Milwaukee for the first time and I brought my daughter. It was awesome, mind opening, educational, inspiring and simply fun. I'm so happy I brought my daughter. She will be next month. Sometimes you wonder if what your teaching your kids is actually getting through their heads. I believe that teaching my daughter acceptance, respect and love got through her pretty little head. She was very mature, took time to stop and learn about different organizations, events and happenings in the gay community. There was a booth for 24 year olds and under that offered games, prizes and education. My daughter looked a little shy but paid attention. She also donated some of her own money to the organizations that seemed to resonate with her.
I was inspired by the people who embrace who they are and who they want to be. Seeing anyone, in any community, that has the courage to be who they truly are in spite of any negativing that comes their way is inspiring. I have a deep respect and love for anyone like this. I saw a sign that said "Born This Way" and that stuck in my head. I wonder how any of us who weren't born gay could possibly judge them or tell them they weren't born that way. When a child is born with a birth mark, certain hair color or a talent for art or mechanics we don't try to tell them they weren't born that way so why do so many do it to anyone who was born gay?
Attending Pridefest only made me want to be more supportive of the gay community. I will always do what I can do to support them, their rights, their children, their existence.
I saw on the news today that a Texas father found a man on his far trying to molest his 4 year old daughter and he beat him to death. As of the time of me writing this there were no charges filed and he wasn't arrested. I say God bless him!!! This man is a hero. What parent wouldn't take down anyone who tried to molest their child? I know he didn't purposely kiss the bad guy however, the fact that he did probably saved other children. I think the molester got off too easy. He should have been beaten to near death then put in prison for life and all the prisoners told what he did. This man gave that child a life sentence.
A friend of mine told me that civil rights groups are saying the molester's civil rights were violated and the father should be arrested and prosecuted. REALLY?!?!?!? The molester violates the rights of an innocent child and give her trauma that she will have to learn to deal with for the rest of her life and some cold hearted group that apparently has no regard to what was done to the child is going to stand up for the bad guy??? This is appalling. How can they call themselves a civil rights group when they ignore the rights of the victim?
I'm not a supporter of killing people for no reason however, there are exceptions to every rule and when it comes to sexually assaulting a child, I have no problem with the bad guys being killed. I have children in the world and if I caught anyone sexually assaulting the, I wouldn't hesitate to beat them either.
Way to go dad!!! You will always be a hero to me.
I've been visiting Cleveland, OH since Monday and I must say, I absolutely love this city. The people are wonderful, the food is great and I had a great time. This was a dual purpose trip. Of course, I was visiting and meeting fans and the second purpose was to get rid of my fear of road trips. Since I totaled my van back in November 2011, I have been avoiding road trips. About a month and a half ago or so I took the trip to Cleveland with a friend. He did most of the driving and even though I was anxious, it wasn' bad. This time I tried to drive myself and I'm proud I did well. I did feel some anxiety however, it wasn't bad. After I arrived, I felt like I kick the ass of something that has been controlling me and holding me back. One of my biggest motivators is some trips I have planned with my kids and family and I didn't want to cancel them or miss out because I was too anxious to drive a long distance. I'm driving home today and I'm ready for the trip!!!
I was inspired by the people who embrace who they are and who they want to be. Seeing anyone, in any community, that has the courage to be who they truly are in spite of any negativing that comes their way is inspiring. I have a deep respect and love for anyone like this. I saw a sign that said "Born This Way" and that stuck in my head. I wonder how any of us who weren't born gay could possibly judge them or tell them they weren't born that way. When a child is born with a birth mark, certain hair color or a talent for art or mechanics we don't try to tell them they weren't born that way so why do so many do it to anyone who was born gay?
Attending Pridefest only made me want to be more supportive of the gay community. I will always do what I can do to support them, their rights, their children, their existence.
I saw on the news today that a Texas father found a man on his far trying to molest his 4 year old daughter and he beat him to death. As of the time of me writing this there were no charges filed and he wasn't arrested. I say God bless him!!! This man is a hero. What parent wouldn't take down anyone who tried to molest their child? I know he didn't purposely kiss the bad guy however, the fact that he did probably saved other children. I think the molester got off too easy. He should have been beaten to near death then put in prison for life and all the prisoners told what he did. This man gave that child a life sentence.
A friend of mine told me that civil rights groups are saying the molester's civil rights were violated and the father should be arrested and prosecuted. REALLY?!?!?!? The molester violates the rights of an innocent child and give her trauma that she will have to learn to deal with for the rest of her life and some cold hearted group that apparently has no regard to what was done to the child is going to stand up for the bad guy??? This is appalling. How can they call themselves a civil rights group when they ignore the rights of the victim?
I'm not a supporter of killing people for no reason however, there are exceptions to every rule and when it comes to sexually assaulting a child, I have no problem with the bad guys being killed. I have children in the world and if I caught anyone sexually assaulting the, I wouldn't hesitate to beat them either.
Way to go dad!!! You will always be a hero to me.
I've been visiting Cleveland, OH since Monday and I must say, I absolutely love this city. The people are wonderful, the food is great and I had a great time. This was a dual purpose trip. Of course, I was visiting and meeting fans and the second purpose was to get rid of my fear of road trips. Since I totaled my van back in November 2011, I have been avoiding road trips. About a month and a half ago or so I took the trip to Cleveland with a friend. He did most of the driving and even though I was anxious, it wasn' bad. This time I tried to drive myself and I'm proud I did well. I did feel some anxiety however, it wasn't bad. After I arrived, I felt like I kick the ass of something that has been controlling me and holding me back. One of my biggest motivators is some trips I have planned with my kids and family and I didn't want to cancel them or miss out because I was too anxious to drive a long distance. I'm driving home today and I'm ready for the trip!!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Wow, things have been busy the past couple of weeks and they are going to stay that way all summer. All good stuff!! My 2 first scenes in a year came out with Naughty America. Go to and follow the link. I really felt rusty while shooting these but Yesenia and her crew really know how to make me look good :) She is by far my favorite director and has been there since my first scene ever. I'm so blessed to know such awesome people.
I'm going to be in Cleveland, OH June 11 - 13. I'm meeting with my awesome webmaster to get things rolling on my website so I can give my fans more. I'm also offering private time with any fans that would like to meet me also. Contact me at if you would like to hang out. I've only been there one other time to go to the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame with my friend and international Karate Champ Adam Brozer. Cleveland looked cool but we didn't get to do much more :(
Pridefest is this weekend at the Sumnerfest Grounds in Milwaukee and I'm going to go check it out. I've never been however, I'm really looking forward to it. I love the community and will do anything I can to support them. Everyone I talk to that has been in the past says it's a great time. I would love to see my fans there!!!
I HAVE to give kudos to JC Penny and I must say I'm a new regular customer. They put out and ad that featured two real life gay men and their children. Good for them!!! There is nothing wrong with the heterosexual family however, that's no the only kind of family in our country. JC Penny did an excellent job showing a wonderful part of our community that doesn't get enough positive exposure from corporate America. I was able to show this ad to my children and open a conversation in a positive, undiscriminating way. Way to go JC Penny!!!
Here in Wisconsin we had a historic recall election for governor. Scott Walker won...again. I didn't vote for him however, I urge all Wisconsin residents to support him and allow him to do his job. What's done is done he was the guy that won. We can hope and pray for the best.
Lately I had a few e mails questioning me if my Tweets were true, am I really just a normal Midwestern mom. I find this odd because I'm just me. I am a normal Midwestern mom. I have 2 kids that have made me very proud by finishing their school years with excellent grades. I do my own yard work, shopping, cooking, etc. I live in a typical 3 bedroom ranch with a vegetable garden and pool in the back yard. I drive my kids to school, take them on family vacations, clean my own house and all the other stuff anyone else does. I don't do drugs, I very seldom drink, I love to run and I hate to scrub my bathtub. I'm about as 'normal' as anyone can get. I know, its not very glamorous but it's me. I have a hard time being anything but who I am...I gotta keep it real :)
If anyone is in Burlington, WI stop at the tobacco shop on Pine Street, across the street form the police station and ask for Ron. He refused to bring me ice cream one night when I was having a craving. He's a great guy and he is part owner of the store. Tell him Becca Blossoms needs ice cream!!!
Now it's time to go to my Slutwalk meeting.
I'm going to be in Cleveland, OH June 11 - 13. I'm meeting with my awesome webmaster to get things rolling on my website so I can give my fans more. I'm also offering private time with any fans that would like to meet me also. Contact me at if you would like to hang out. I've only been there one other time to go to the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame with my friend and international Karate Champ Adam Brozer. Cleveland looked cool but we didn't get to do much more :(
Pridefest is this weekend at the Sumnerfest Grounds in Milwaukee and I'm going to go check it out. I've never been however, I'm really looking forward to it. I love the community and will do anything I can to support them. Everyone I talk to that has been in the past says it's a great time. I would love to see my fans there!!!
I HAVE to give kudos to JC Penny and I must say I'm a new regular customer. They put out and ad that featured two real life gay men and their children. Good for them!!! There is nothing wrong with the heterosexual family however, that's no the only kind of family in our country. JC Penny did an excellent job showing a wonderful part of our community that doesn't get enough positive exposure from corporate America. I was able to show this ad to my children and open a conversation in a positive, undiscriminating way. Way to go JC Penny!!!
Here in Wisconsin we had a historic recall election for governor. Scott Walker won...again. I didn't vote for him however, I urge all Wisconsin residents to support him and allow him to do his job. What's done is done he was the guy that won. We can hope and pray for the best.
Lately I had a few e mails questioning me if my Tweets were true, am I really just a normal Midwestern mom. I find this odd because I'm just me. I am a normal Midwestern mom. I have 2 kids that have made me very proud by finishing their school years with excellent grades. I do my own yard work, shopping, cooking, etc. I live in a typical 3 bedroom ranch with a vegetable garden and pool in the back yard. I drive my kids to school, take them on family vacations, clean my own house and all the other stuff anyone else does. I don't do drugs, I very seldom drink, I love to run and I hate to scrub my bathtub. I'm about as 'normal' as anyone can get. I know, its not very glamorous but it's me. I have a hard time being anything but who I am...I gotta keep it real :)
If anyone is in Burlington, WI stop at the tobacco shop on Pine Street, across the street form the police station and ask for Ron. He refused to bring me ice cream one night when I was having a craving. He's a great guy and he is part owner of the store. Tell him Becca Blossoms needs ice cream!!!
Now it's time to go to my Slutwalk meeting.
Monday, May 7, 2012
The more I learn the more I don't know
I've only recently become an activist and I still have a lot to learn. The more I learn the more I realize that there is so much I don't know. There is a lot of ignorance in the world and even more people fighting for causes they don't take the time to learn about from all angles, used skewed research and statistics and get down right nasty and insulting to those who don't agree with them. All this only makes me want to learn more, work harder and be smarter and classier than those who are attacking my industry and blaming it and the people in it for some of society's problems. It's time for me to start getting more involved.
I came across, thanks to the wonderful people on Twitter, an article that I found interesting. Porn sites often gets blamed for viruses, malware, etc. Personally, I have never got a virus or anything from a porn site however, I am aware of the fact that it does happen. This article explains how and why religious sites put your computer at a greater risk than porn sites. Check it out:
Human Trafficking is one of the big political issues today and for good reason. No one, anywhere, for any reason should do ANYTHING against their will. There are so many people being trafficked right now that the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. I'm trying my best to get involved where I can and do what I can to help this issue. I do what I do out of my own free will however, no one should be forced into it.
I'm only one person however, I feel I have a lot to offer. Please, let's all get involved and protect innocent victims from the scum of society known as pimps.
I came across, thanks to the wonderful people on Twitter, an article that I found interesting. Porn sites often gets blamed for viruses, malware, etc. Personally, I have never got a virus or anything from a porn site however, I am aware of the fact that it does happen. This article explains how and why religious sites put your computer at a greater risk than porn sites. Check it out:
Human Trafficking is one of the big political issues today and for good reason. No one, anywhere, for any reason should do ANYTHING against their will. There are so many people being trafficked right now that the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. I'm trying my best to get involved where I can and do what I can to help this issue. I do what I do out of my own free will however, no one should be forced into it.
I'm only one person however, I feel I have a lot to offer. Please, let's all get involved and protect innocent victims from the scum of society known as pimps.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
It's been a busy time!!!
I just got back from shooting 2 Naughty America scenes in California and I was out of practice!!! It's been a little over a year since I shot last. I had to take some time off due to a family member's illness. I'm very fortunate that Yesenia and her crew were the ones shooting me, they are nothing less than awesome. There are a lot of wonderful directors in the business however, Yesenia takes the cake. I love her!!! Ben, the still photographer has been one of the key people in helping me pose, he has commented on how much I've improved and has said "I feel like I raised you". In a way, he did have a hand in raising Becca Blossoms :) Matty is always cute and somehow never ages. He is so relaxed and has such a great attitude. Rolly is Yesenia's brother is one of the hardest working people I've ever met. He treats me like a lady should be treated.
My first scene was will Bill Bailey. This guy is in his 30's but is so hot he actually played my son. I loved his hit of a southern accent and he was so sweet and polite. My second scene was with Alan Stafford who is super ripped. This was the second time I worked with Alan and both times he has been so sweet and very good at what he does. Needless to say, it was a good day on the job :)
I was only in town for 3 days, it was a super quick trip. I stayed with my good friend, Powder. He's a very intelligent, knowledgeable sweet person. It was nice to just hand out with him the day I got in and after my shoots. On the third day I didn't see him because I had to leave :( I feel a little sad because I didn't get to see my good friend Lynn Lemay, this was the first time in a very long time that I came out and didn't see her. I love that girl!!
My first scene was will Bill Bailey. This guy is in his 30's but is so hot he actually played my son. I loved his hit of a southern accent and he was so sweet and polite. My second scene was with Alan Stafford who is super ripped. This was the second time I worked with Alan and both times he has been so sweet and very good at what he does. Needless to say, it was a good day on the job :)
I was only in town for 3 days, it was a super quick trip. I stayed with my good friend, Powder. He's a very intelligent, knowledgeable sweet person. It was nice to just hand out with him the day I got in and after my shoots. On the third day I didn't see him because I had to leave :( I feel a little sad because I didn't get to see my good friend Lynn Lemay, this was the first time in a very long time that I came out and didn't see her. I love that girl!!
The morning I woke up to get ready to go to LAX, I found an article on Twitter written by a member of SWOP-NYC. I found it informative, intelligently written and very straight forward. Here is the article, I have shared it with lots of people, including the members of SWOP-Wisconsin.
Human Trafficking is a horrible crime and everyone needs to be aware of it. I'm working on getting involved in some volunteer groups to offer what I can to help those who are victims and bring down the bad guys. It's amazing that in this day and age we still have slavery in the United States.
As far as current events with SWOP-Wisconsin, we're planning on visiting Madison. Madison is about an hour and a half from Madison and there are a lot of sex workers in that area. This isn't surprising with it being a college town and all. We're going to have a public event; "Hang out With SWOP" where we hang out in a bar and chat with whoever wants to get to know us. After that, we're doing another screening workshop. I'm looking forward to this workshop. The first one we did in Milwaukee was ok however, it was also a learning experience. Everything I do lately has been learning experiences and I absolutely love it. I'm sometimes not sure of myself and get anxious over new people and situations however, things always seem to work out in the end.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Current Events
I don't endorse any candidate and I don't like to get into too many political or religious debates however, I do have my opinions and lately some of the current events and issues have really got me to thinking. The first thing that has got my wheels spinning the the whole birth control issue. First of all, the choice to use birth control or not is a very personal one and not something the government should have a say in. I honestly think this issue is taking focus on the big issues that are harming almost every American. With things like the economy, national debt and health care, who really has the time and energy to put into a person's decision to use birth control or not? This is distracting from the important issues and really is no one's business except for the person choosing to us it. I personally use birth control as a precaution. I don't want to end up pregnant from adult industry activities. I will decide if, what kind and how long I will use birth control. From an adult industry view point, it's necessary for me to use it. From a woman's view point, it's my choice, my body and my life. I have the right to protect myself while having sex. I don't want to have any more children. With all of our economic problem in this country, why would any politician, or anyone with any intelligence at all, even consider telling anyone they can't use birth control. A responsible woman will take the approiate actions to protect herself from getting pregnant when she is unwilling or unable to raise a child. Let's not forget the men here. Not all men want to have children or more children and are entitled to protection themselves.
Sex is a biological and natural thing all humans are programed to do. We have the right to enjoy it in any way, shape or form that does not harm anyone else. Just like football players wear their helmets and padding, we all have the right to protect ourselves when playing.
As a mother of a preteen and a teenager, I'm very open and honest with my kids when it comes to sex. Sex can be very pleasurable, emotional and enjoyable. However, just like sports, there can be negative consequences and one of them could be an unwanted pregnancy. I not only have the right to use birth control myself, I have the right to allow my children to use it when and if they become sexually active. My children and I have had conversations about birth control and protecting themselves. Sex education is vital to every human being on this planet and birth control is a huge part of it.
We all heard the debates of gay marriage. Recently Kirk Camron has made comments on gay marriage. Here are a few links:
If Kirk, or anyone for that matter, doesn't want to be in a gay marriage, they don't have to. To say gays are in any way destructive to so many foundations of our civilization is down right ignorant. Look at our divorce rate between heterosexual couples, it's not a good track record. I understand that some people have their own definition of marriage and that's fine, don't cram it down anyon else's throat. Live your life according to your own beliefs, morals, standards and desires and let others live theirs. The definition that Christians like to push on people isn't the one and only. I believe in God and have a strong relation with him as I know him however, I don't believe everything in the Bible so using that as a basis to argue gay marriage is useless to me.
Gays have been around as long as civilization has been. It's unfortunate that they were not always accepted or live in a society that supported them. They deserve equal rights and if they want to get married, so be it. If they want to raise children, so be it. There are so many other issues that are destructive to so many foundations of our civilization, if Kirk Camron wants to protect the foundations of our civilization he needs to start with his own ignorant mouth. If he is going to claim to be a Christian and live by the bible, he needs to love and accept others, do I need to quote the many Bible verses here that teaches him that?
Speaking of celebrities, Lindsay Lohan has been strongly criticized for her appearance on Saturday Night Live. The media needs to take a chill pill here. The girl has struggled with addictions in the public eye. Over coming addictions and getting your life back on track is hard enough for the majority of us, doing it in the public eye with the main stream media blowing up your mistakes and the negative about your life and not giving equal attention to your accomplishments and successes would be down right impossible for most of us. She's not perfect however, none of us are. As an entertainer I can honestly say that I have had times when my performance wasn't at it's best. Just like everyone else, entertainers have their good days and bad days. At least the girl is moving forward. She has got to be courageous to continue to do what she does. She is more talented than most of those who are ciritzing her. I support and admire her fully, how many of us would still be alive after all she has gone through?
Ok, my rant is over :) Now it's time to work on my visit to the O'Hare are of my favorite city, Chicago!!! I'm really looking forward to having fun there. It's only 90 minutes from my house and I'm out that way weekly but the excitement, cultural richness and beauty of the city never gets old to me.
Sex is a biological and natural thing all humans are programed to do. We have the right to enjoy it in any way, shape or form that does not harm anyone else. Just like football players wear their helmets and padding, we all have the right to protect ourselves when playing.
As a mother of a preteen and a teenager, I'm very open and honest with my kids when it comes to sex. Sex can be very pleasurable, emotional and enjoyable. However, just like sports, there can be negative consequences and one of them could be an unwanted pregnancy. I not only have the right to use birth control myself, I have the right to allow my children to use it when and if they become sexually active. My children and I have had conversations about birth control and protecting themselves. Sex education is vital to every human being on this planet and birth control is a huge part of it.
We all heard the debates of gay marriage. Recently Kirk Camron has made comments on gay marriage. Here are a few links:
If Kirk, or anyone for that matter, doesn't want to be in a gay marriage, they don't have to. To say gays are in any way destructive to so many foundations of our civilization is down right ignorant. Look at our divorce rate between heterosexual couples, it's not a good track record. I understand that some people have their own definition of marriage and that's fine, don't cram it down anyon else's throat. Live your life according to your own beliefs, morals, standards and desires and let others live theirs. The definition that Christians like to push on people isn't the one and only. I believe in God and have a strong relation with him as I know him however, I don't believe everything in the Bible so using that as a basis to argue gay marriage is useless to me.
Gays have been around as long as civilization has been. It's unfortunate that they were not always accepted or live in a society that supported them. They deserve equal rights and if they want to get married, so be it. If they want to raise children, so be it. There are so many other issues that are destructive to so many foundations of our civilization, if Kirk Camron wants to protect the foundations of our civilization he needs to start with his own ignorant mouth. If he is going to claim to be a Christian and live by the bible, he needs to love and accept others, do I need to quote the many Bible verses here that teaches him that?
Speaking of celebrities, Lindsay Lohan has been strongly criticized for her appearance on Saturday Night Live. The media needs to take a chill pill here. The girl has struggled with addictions in the public eye. Over coming addictions and getting your life back on track is hard enough for the majority of us, doing it in the public eye with the main stream media blowing up your mistakes and the negative about your life and not giving equal attention to your accomplishments and successes would be down right impossible for most of us. She's not perfect however, none of us are. As an entertainer I can honestly say that I have had times when my performance wasn't at it's best. Just like everyone else, entertainers have their good days and bad days. At least the girl is moving forward. She has got to be courageous to continue to do what she does. She is more talented than most of those who are ciritzing her. I support and admire her fully, how many of us would still be alive after all she has gone through?
Ok, my rant is over :) Now it's time to work on my visit to the O'Hare are of my favorite city, Chicago!!! I'm really looking forward to having fun there. It's only 90 minutes from my house and I'm out that way weekly but the excitement, cultural richness and beauty of the city never gets old to me.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Good Stuff...
Now that the holidays are over, it's time to get back to business :) I hired a webmaster to redo my website. I want to offer more to my fans and give them lots to enjoy :) Of course I'm open to any suggestions :) Please be patient, I won't suck for much longer.
I'm attending the AVNs this year, this is a first for me. I'm really looking forward to meeting lots of people in my industry and fans. I'm arriving a little early to have some fun. I can't possibly go to Vegas and not leave time for fun!! I still have to find a nice dress and some other outfits. I can't wait!!
I put off dancing at a club in Milwaukee until after the holidays, I'll post when I start. I'll be a regular club girl, not a feature. I'm planning on working Mondays during the day and early evening. I don't think I can handle working until 2 or 3 am, at least not during the school year. We'll see what summer brings. I really want to focus on my fans this year and get out and meet them as much as possible. Dancing is just one way I thought might work.
I'm trying to get on my web cam more often as another way to interact with my wonderful fans. There's a link to it on my website, I have some new toys and sexy outfits, join me for some sexy fun!!
SWOP-Wisconsin is moving along but much slower than I anticipated. We're still working on getting sex workers in Wisconsin comfortable with us and organizing. I know we can do great things and we will!!
I'm attending the AVNs this year, this is a first for me. I'm really looking forward to meeting lots of people in my industry and fans. I'm arriving a little early to have some fun. I can't possibly go to Vegas and not leave time for fun!! I still have to find a nice dress and some other outfits. I can't wait!!
I put off dancing at a club in Milwaukee until after the holidays, I'll post when I start. I'll be a regular club girl, not a feature. I'm planning on working Mondays during the day and early evening. I don't think I can handle working until 2 or 3 am, at least not during the school year. We'll see what summer brings. I really want to focus on my fans this year and get out and meet them as much as possible. Dancing is just one way I thought might work.
I'm trying to get on my web cam more often as another way to interact with my wonderful fans. There's a link to it on my website, I have some new toys and sexy outfits, join me for some sexy fun!!
SWOP-Wisconsin is moving along but much slower than I anticipated. We're still working on getting sex workers in Wisconsin comfortable with us and organizing. I know we can do great things and we will!!
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